61. Her pain

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 It was a deserted corridor and it was giving me a bad feeling that something bad was going to happen.

As I reached near the room he told me about, I heard some voices which made me stop in my tracks.

"We should leave now." Anvar, one of Arjun's friends said but was soon interrupted by Arjun.

"Oh come on man! Have you ever seen a girl reaching on time?" Arjun said laughing out loud.

"But Arjun why did you choose this day? I mean this is the last day of the bet ." Vihaan, one of his other friends said.

"Yeah man, you could have won this bet anytime. That girl is a simp for you. Why are you doing this on the last day of the bet?" Chahar said

"It's fun to win at the end. When everyone is waiting for you to fail but then you rise as a winner." Arjun said and laughed while others joined him "By the way did you set the cameras perfectly, I don't want anyone to point out any flaws and claim that we didn't win the bet." He said

"Yeah, it's ......" Anwar said but stopped in the middle.

Meera was listening to all this standing outside the door. Her face was stricken with tears and a sob left her mouth but she covered her mouth instantly. Suddenly the sound stopped from the room left with sheer silence. Meera wanted to run away from that place but her feet were stuck to the ground. She felt her breath stuck, her hand reached her chest and she rubbed it to get some breath when the door of the room opened startling her.

Arjun and his friends looked at Meera standing there and Arjun's finger raked through his hair as his face morphed into anger.

"Were you eavesdropping?" Arjun shouted at her startling Meera. Meera stays quite still processing whatever happened when Arjun shouted again "I am asking something damn it" He shouted holding her arms tightly and pulling her towards him.

Meera shrieked in pain still trying to get her hand out of his hold but his hold was getting tighter with each passing minute.

"You lost the bet man," Chahar said and lightly chuckle

"Yeah man, the bet clearly said that the kiss should be consensual." Vivaan completed Chahar's sentence and all of them laughed.

Arjun tightened his fist as it was the first time that he lost something and he was not ready to accept his defeat.

Arjun looked at Anwar and nodded at him to start the recording which went unnoticed by Meera.

Arjun's expression changed suddenly and he gave Meera a sickly smile "Meera, listen how about we kiss and finish this right here and now. It's a matter of 10,000 rs. I mean I can give you the whole amount as for me only

winning the bet matters"

Meera couldn't believe her ear that this was the same man whom she loved and now he was insulting her like this. Meera got so angry and pushed him hard making him stumble a bit.

She turned to leave but she shrieked when a pain went through her hair. Arjun clutched her hair in his hand pulling her back. His eyes were red in anger "You bitch !! How dare you push me??" he said while yanking her back and turning her to face him.

"What do you have to make you so proud?? I don't even look at the girl like you and you should be grateful that I am letting you kiss me or else girls like you don't even deserve to breathe in the same air as me." He spitted hate on her face. Meera was tired and she was not ready to confront him right now but she was not ready even in her dreams for what was about to happen again.

Arjun held her face in his hand "What are you proud of? These big lips look so dirty, which made your smile more ugly. Or this face of yours which has acne everywhere." He left her face with a jerk and his hand went down and pulled her waist " Or this fat tummy of yours? Ugly!!" His hand gripped her arm and reached her chest shocking her whole self "Or this little breast of yours? I mean who the hell in the world would be interested in you". Meera was so shocked by his actions that she didn't think anything and slapped him across the face. No one has ever touched her this way and his touch shuddered her soul.

Arjun couldn't control his rage and slapped her on her face making her step back a nail dug into her flesh, and fresh blood oozed out and soon her shirt was red with blood.

Arjun and his friend got scared on seeing the blood and ran from there leaving her alone there.

While Meera collapsed there on the floor and tears flowed out of her eyes.. she didn't notice the blood but she was hurt and broken by what just happened. She wiped her tears but every time a new set of tears flowed from her eyes.

Her back was touching the wall, her kurta was drenched in blood and tears covered her whole face but she wasn't feeling any physical pain in front of the emotional pain she just got. Her loud hiccups echoed in the corridor.

Her voice was heard by one of her classmates who reached there and saw blood. She got panicked and tried to console her but nothing worked. She somehow managed to take her to the medical room while Meera was still in shock at what happened.

Later, after her wounds were treated by the nurse, her classmate dropped her home.

When she reached home, no one asked her about her wound, blood on her clothes, or tears on her face except Jugnu who ran after her and stayed with her the whole night when she cried her heart out. And that night Meera realizes that she has no one except Jugnu in her life. But what she wasn't expecting was a bigger storm in her life waiting to enter ................

After some days when Meera resumed her college life, she was confused to see everyone looking at her. She didn't know the reason when she suddenly got a ping on her phone. She opened the message and saw a video. As she hit the play button, she saw her teary face on the phone screen while Arjun and his friends were degrading her. She was still watching the video when she heard Arjun's voice

"Look guys, innocent face and but a whore in reality." He said passing beside her and she heard snickering all around.

She didn't have the heart to attend college but she didn't know what to do and handle this situation.

For the last 2 years of college, all I heard were people making her fun making her insecure about everything.

Meera was sitting on the bed with tears in her eyes as she finished while Aashrit was standing there with his eyes red in anger and fist tightened.

He ruffled his hair in anger "That fu*king bastard." He threw a vase on the wall startling Meera and kicked the dressing table making the mirror crack. Before Meera could say something to him, He took his shirt and left the room in anger leaving Meera behind worried and alone.

She tried to run after him but stopped on hearing his words "Our bedroom talks should not go out. Your teary face should not be seen by anyone. And you are not going anywhere today. Stay in this room." He said as he left the room leaving Meera behind with her overthinking mind.



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