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Morning snuck like an assailant. I lurched forward, hearing the soft snores of Qia. A dreamless night for once. I wasn't sure if I could handle another dream like the one before.

I looked to the stairs, hearing the footsteps once more. Hona appeared in the dark like a phantom in the night.

"Good morning ladies." I jolted, surprised to hear his voice.

Qia appeared from beyond the crate, rubbing her eyes. "We overslept," she groaned. "I apologize, my King."

"I am not King yet," he declared. "Just Hona is fine."

She nodded.

"Today Mara will be serving Queen Baria directly," he explained. "You will be her lady in waiting."

I thought I misheard him. "Excuse me?"

"Those are your orders," he clarified. "Meet Baria in her chambers after dressing." He said, throwing a black dress. "Baria is tired of seeing you in tattered clothes."

He turned, not giving another word. I hated that he was speaking to me in a different manner. I no longer felt human, accepted. I felt like a criminal. I wondered if this was how Qia felt too.

I picked the dress off the ground and began to undress. Qia went to wake up Tiroa. Once I dressed, I sighed, and walked up the stairs once more. I wondered just how long I would be doing this. How long it would take to be innocent.

Deep inside, I wanted to know more about Qia and Tiroa. How long their trial was and how long they had been living in the cellar. When I observed them yesterday, it seemed like they had lived here their entire lives. It seemed like a rut, a routine.

I entered the kitchen, noticing Hona was standing with his back toward me. "Hona?" I called.

He turned back, his chest heaving, and his brow sweating. He looked terrified as if something had haunted him. "Mara," he whispered. "I apologize, I—"

"Are you all right?"

He blinked, raking his face with his hand. "Fine."

I nodded even though it seemed like he was lying.

"Please visit Queen Baria." He turned to walk away, but I took this moment as an opportunity.

"Wait," I called out.

I noticed his hesitation.

"Have you found any proof of my innocence?"

He shook his head but there was no hesitation this time. "No."

I sighed, feeling my heart soften. Hona was doing his best. "I appreciate you trying to begin with."

He nodded, stiff in his movements. "Please report to Queen Baria."

"Why are you speaking to me like that?" There was annoyance in my voice.

"Because I follow orders," he hissed, his stark stare cold. "I keep to my word and... she permitted me to give you orders but not speak with you."

"Are you saying I do not?"

"You are standing here talking to me instead of reporting to Queen Baria's chambers."

I felt a flash of heat on my face. I scrunched my brows as he exited the room. I couldn't believe he had the audacity to speak to me in this manner.

"Bastard," I mumbled.

I wondered if the person I saw in the tower was wearing a mask. An act to make sure I let down my guard.

I waited a few moments before leaving the kitchen. I did not want to run into him again. 

Kaija: Queen of StoneWhere stories live. Discover now