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It was a normal day at berrybrook, kids were leaving school, adults were leaving work, everyone was doing their everyday routine.

A young schoolgirl named Penelope Torres had gone missing that day,

Little did they know, this wasn't going to be the last one to go

A few hours later, Jaime Thompson, a friend of Penelope, had found her body hung by the neck on a tree, one of her eyes had been popped out, a spoon had been lodged into her throat, and her arms were slit.

In total, 8 students in the town of berrybrook were murdered, the other one was taken, tortured, but was able to survive. The victims were:

Penelope Torres, Sam O'Riley, Maribella Samson, Jensen Graham, Jenny Yao, Jaime Thompson, Jorge Ruiz, Alex Conrad, and Foster Cruz.



Today's the day.

I've finally worked up the courage to ask out peppi, I really hope she doesn't reject me...

Speaking of that, there she is!

Jaime: peppi! Hi!!

Penelope: oh, hi jaime!

Jaime: umm are you like... free this afternoon?

Penelope: No, I made plans with my friends from the art club to go explore the forest since they haven't gone. I'm really sorry!

Jaime: no, it's fine, it isn't your fault haha...

Penelope: you want to come with us?

Jaime: uhh... Maybe not, sorry...

Penelope: oh, that's fine, maybe we can hang out tomorrow!

Jaime: Okay! I'll see you tomorrow then!

Penelope: Bye!!


School is over, finally! I had made plans with my friends Nina, peppi, and felicity to explore a nearby forest after school. I'm so excited! I went to go meet them at the entrance.

Felicity: Hey, Tess!

Tessa: Hi guys!

Nina: ready to go in?

Tessa: yep!

As we headed inside, we could swear we felt a ghostly chill up our spine. It was probably just because we were doing something new: It felt kind of off, though...

Nina picked up a few sticks to push thorns away, and i had slowed down to pick flowers

I had turned around to see how far we had gotten from the entrance, and i saw a black figure not so far behind us, it charged towards me, but i got away and had enough time to tell my friends to run.

We all ran as fast as we could, not stopping, since we knew what would happen if we did.

As we ran, I saw Peppi was slowing her pace, she was smiling, she mouthed "run" as she was grabbed by the killer.

We ran out of the forest as fast as we could, we broke down in tears. What would happen to Peppi? Why did she slow down?

We walked to the park to try to process what had happened

About an hour later Jaime ran up to us

Jaime: Tessa! Peppi told me she went with you guys to the forest, is she still there, or has she come out yet? I had something to tell her...

Tessa: uh... About that... Someone grabbed her and took her away when we went into the forest. We don't know what happened to her, I'm sorry, jaime...

Jaime: w-what...?


I bolted to the forest they said they went to


As I got further into the forest, I saw it


It's her!

I ran up to hug her until I saw

It's her body.

No soul, Just the body, her arms were slit, and her eye was plucked out.

Hung onto a tree by her neck.

It was our tree, The one we carved our initials into...

I called the police to say I found her, well, her body. The police said they would be there soon

I took her sweater, it was one of the sweaters I loved the most, it was one of the last things left of her. I hugged it and... it still smells like her, she always had this smell of vanilla and rose, and I loved it. I could smell it when we were close, or when we hugged each other.

I was numb, I couldn't cry, or scream, or anything. My mind just told me one thing, "no"

"No, she can't be dead"

"No, I can't live without her"


I was in denial, i wanted her back.

But she's gone now, and i can't do anything about it.

Jaime: "Huh? w-Who is this?! Let go of me!"

?: "Dont worry kid, its the police. Were here for the body."

Jaime: "oh.."

I ran back to my house, my parents got a call telling me to go back to school, what's going on?!


I slowed my pace to buy my friends some time, hopefully my friends will make it out of the forest..

When suddenly,


The killer grabbed me by the throat as i begged for mercy


The killer took a spoon out of his pocket and brung it to my eye


It was too late, he shoved the spoon into my eye and popped it out.

I could feel the blood trickling down my face, it was not a good feeling.

Suddenly i felt a sharp pain in my throat.

I look down to see the spoon lodged into my throat.

My vision goes blurry and it soon turns into darkness

Is this what dying feels like..?

I shouldve... gone.. With jaime..

School of the slaughtered - AU - INSPIRED BY @EAVEE-RY ON TIKTOKWhere stories live. Discover now