Awesome arrival

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No one's POV

We see the USJ is under attack by villains that came out of nowhere some of the students are scattered across the USJ leaving only a few and their homeroom teacher in the center to fend for themselves against the tide of villains surrounding them

Sato: holy crap this is bad

Mina: T-that's a-lot of bad guys

Ojiro: I don't think we can handle this many villains

Lida: stay strong fellow classmates we'll get through this

Random villain: heh you here that guys these kids think they'll be ok

Random villain: let's give 'em a taste of the real world huh fellas

Villains: YEAH

Random villain: WELL THEN LETS KILL EM

The villains let out a war cry and charge the group of students who stand ready to fight but are afraid until their home room teacher aizawa activates his quirk disabling all the villain's quirks

Random villain: THE HELL

Random villain: what happened

Random villain: I can't feel my quirk anymore


Sato/Ojiro/Mina/Lida: HAI

The four of them rush the tide of villains who still rush them as well just because their quirks are gone doesn't mean much to them their still fighting a bunch of kids is what their thinking as we cut over to shigaraki watching this on the sidelines

Shigaraki: eraser head is so cool always showing off

Kurogiri: young master allmight still isn't here yet

Shigaraki: don't worry he'll be here

Kurogiri: but how no one left the USJ to go and warn him

Shigaraki: don't worry I sent him a text through an anonymous message knowing how much of a fool he is he'll be here soon

Kurogiri: if you say so

Shigaraki: all we have to do is just have to play the waiting game until then NOMU *points at aizawa* KILL HIM

the nomu screeches loudly and runs at aizawa who sees the nomu charging towards him so he activates his quirk but it doesn't do anything to the nomu shocking him but before he can do anything the nomu punches aizawa hard in the gut sending him flying into the USJ stairs

Aizawa: GAH

Sato/Ojiro/Mina/Lida: SENSEI

Shigaraki: hehehehe that outta keep him down NOMU KILL THE REST OF THEM

The nomu looks over at the four scared u.a students and runs at them as their standing there terrified not sure what to do, as the nomu gets closer and throws a punch at Sato a large block of ice blocks the nomu's punch surprising shigaraki as he looks over to see both Shoto and shoka

Shigaraki: tch more problems to deal with

Kurogiri: I can handle them

Shigaraki: Go ahead

Kurogiri teleports behind both Shoto and shoka and is about to rip them in half but before he can he hears somebody coming as he turns around only to get an explosion to his metal neck piece damaging him

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