The secret base

493 21 11

We see Izuku all the way down on the first floor as guards and demon hunters stare at him confused and mostly shocked as Izuku dust his shoulders off and stands there

Izuku: so.....what floor am I on..anyone

Guard: uhm....the first floor

Izuku: awesome thanks man

Guard: oh no problem man

Izuku: awesome


Then the demon hunters rush Izuku with swords while the guards aim their guns and start shooting at Izuku who dodges and runs forward as a demon hunter swings his blade only for Izuku to duck and uppercut the hunter sending him spiraling through the air then Izuku blitzes a guard and elbows the guard in the face breaking his nose and sending him into the lobby wall

Another guard shoots at Izuku who ducks down as the bullet hits another guard in the knee then Izuku rushes the guard and spin kicks him in the chest sending the guard flying into a group of other guards

Demon hunter: DIE HELLSPAWN

A demon hunter swings a hammer down at Izuku's head but Izuku cocks his arm back and punches upward straight through the hammer shocking the demon hunter as Izuku grabs the demon hunter by the shirt collar and throws him into a huge potted plant


guard: IM TRYING


Demon hunter: Roger that

The demon hunter pulls out a holy hand grenade and throws it at Izuku as he and the others smirk

Demon hunter: GOODBYE

Izuku hearing this smiles and kicks the holy hand grenade up into the air above him shocking the guards and demon hunters then the holy hand grenades lands on Izuku foot as he starts kicking the hand grenade back and forth from His left foot to right foot doing tricks 

guards/demon hunters:

Izuku: heh soccer is awesome anyway FIRE IN THE HOLE

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Izuku: heh soccer is awesome anyway FIRE IN THE HOLE

Izuku kicks the holy hand grenade up high into the air then jumps up and kicks the holy hand grenade sending it speeding towards the guards and demon hunters who scatter but end up running into one another and eventually get caught in the holy explosion sending them flying all over the place

Izuku then lands on the ground and starts running around dodging bullets as he punches, kicks and throws guards and demon hunters around the lobby with no problem

Meanwhile with Melissa she's in the security room seeing the absolute beat down Izuku is delivering to the guards and demon hunter

Melissa: this doesn't make any sense it's just one demon how the fuck are they loosing down there (i gotta do something fast before the boss lady gets back and sees this mess)

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