Chapter 4 - Haunted

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A fine mist of fog swarmed around me. I fell to the ground with a loud thud. Caspian stood there staring at me. A smile played on his lips. He extended his hand toward me, and lifted me gently off the ground. “Caspian, you’re here, but how?” I looked at him for several seconds before he spoke. My heart was frozen with anticipation.

“I couldn’t stay away from you, my love. I missed you so badly I knew I had to find my way, so I could return to you. He wrapped his arms around me, and whispered, “I love you.” Tingles shivered through my body.

We walked back to my house. As silent as mice we made our way in. Tiptoeing through the kitchen we slipped through the secret door. As children Caspian and I often spent hours down there in our hidden room, laughing and playing. It was our place. I was filled with anticipation… I was scared and anxious, though, I wasn’t really sure why. My blood was racing, my heart pounding, why was I feeling that way? I’d been alone with Caspian dozens of times. As we melted through the stairwell darkness enveloped us. I felt isolated and scared, but I padded down the stairs anyway. I longed for the comfort Caspian’s arms provided. I spun around the darkened room, avidly searching for something to light a candle, anything to see my beloved's face. I stretched as far as I could; trying to reach the old candle stick we’d hidden away several years ago, above the door ledge. Once the candle burned, illuminating the dingy room, I spun around searching for Caspian, but he was gone.

“Caspian,” I called out. No answer. I stalked around searching every unlit corner, but he was nowhere to be found. Eventually, I made the devastatingly lonely journey to my empty room.

I dropped my heavy body onto the bed. I was exhausted. Slowly, and reluctantly, I let myself fall asleep.

Jade Devore’s Journal, Jade Devore’s journal, August 1, 1901.

I was putting Buttercup in her stable this morning. Of course, I spent time with Phoenix. He needed attention, too, so I pet and brushed him. I was almost finished feeding him when I saw something glowing from under the bench near the opening to Phoenix’s stall. But, Journal, when I bent to pick it up, it vanished. I started wondering if it had been there. Had it? Am I going crazy?

I was walking out the door of the stable. I wasn’t quite there yet, when a blasting cold gust of air knocked me off my feet. Phoenix and Buttercup went nuts. Whinnying loudly and stomping their hoofs. It seemed like they were trying to get away, but from what?

I don’t know what had scared them so badly. Journal, is it possible they saw something I couldn’t? Allie says animals can see and hear things humans can’t. Is that true? Journal, I’m scared!

Is it crazy to think I’m being haunted?

Journal, did I tell you about the dreams I’ve been having? Oh, they’re terrible. I wake in a cold sweat. I see him, journal, Caspian. He’s in every one of them. He’s ghostly white and completely expressionless. Do you think he’s trying to tell me he’s dead? Do you think it was him, in the stable this morning? Journal…

The letter we received from Dad and Uncle Thom said, they had arrived. There’s still no word of Caspian, but they are hopeful. They’ve spoken with the Headmaster, who said that Caspian was doing great. He was well liked and had many friends, though, as of late he suffered from fatigue and that kept him inactive. Mom and Aunt Ellen were ecstatic. The news brought hope of his anticipated return. Aunt Ellen ran around fussing trying to prepare his quarters for his homecoming.

Jade Devore’s journal, August 7, 1901.

I don’t know what happened, journal. Lately, when I try to write, I can’t. It’s as if something stops me. My hand just won’t move. The other day, I was writing and the journal flew right out of my hand. Is it even possible? I saw it, but did I imagine it? God, I hope so.

Journal, I’m scared. I wish there was someone to talk to. I wish Caspian were here.

Do you think I should tell mom or Aunt Ellen how I’m feeling? No. You’re right. I can’t.

That’s Allie and Jaclyn. They came to spend the day with me. We’re going to dinner tonight. Mom says if I don’t stop sulking and get out there, she’ll send me to that school for young women. And I don’t want to go. Journal, do you know where that school is. You guessed it, Venice. I can’t go there, it’s cursed, remember. Well, I got to go. Write later.

Rain pelted down, sliding down my window. The wind howled. I was chilled to the bone. Thunder cracked through the sky. I covered my head, and cowered beneath the sheets. A screech tapped against the window. I wanted to look so badly, but I was frozen, fear paralyzed me. A soft whisper slid through the room. Cautiously, I peered around the blankets, “Jade,” I pulled the blanket back further, and attempted to sit up. A force pushed against me, and I was pinned to the bed. Unable to move, I started to cry. “Oh, don’t cry my love.”

“Caspian, is that you? Why are you scaring me?” I whispered.

The candle on my night table beamed brightly in the darkness, casting shadows about the room. I slid off the bed and searched for Caspian, but he seemed to have melted through the cracks in the floorboards. I grabbed my journal and sat on the window seat, and started to write. I’d obviously been dreaming, right?

Jade Devore’s journal, August 8, 1901.

I slept over at Allie’s last night. Journal, I must admit I had a great time. During the day ,we visited the local shops. It was fun. I actually smiled and laughed. Journal, you won’t believe it; I found the most perfect hat. It’s black with these amazing pink flowers spun from delicate silk. Now, I know what you’re thinking, I never wear things like that, but it was love at first sight. I couldn’t leave without it. It was calling out to me. So I just had to treat myself. Journal, guess how much it cost… I’ll tell you but you’re going to believe it. It was one dollar. I know that’s absurd, but like I said I just had to have it.

After shopping, we ate at the best restaurant. It was very romantic. I wish Caspian could have been there. A real date… will we ever have one, jJournal?

Anyway, the restaurant had beautiful gold printed wallpaper, high vaulted ceilings with glass chandeliers, and the windows were large Victorian, Journal. They were to die for. They ran from ceiling all the way to the floor, they were covered in thick velvet burgundy drapes. They were beautiful. I’m sure my description does nothing to show how perfect the restaurant was. The floor was a spectacular marble. The tables covered with extravagant cloth. I was afraid to eat over them. Everything about the place was absolutely perfect. I will take Caspian there when he returns.

It was a great night. I know I shouldn’t be having fun while Caspian is missing, Journal. I just don’t know what to do. If I don’t do things with my friends, I’ll be sent away. Journal, that can’t happen.

I’ve been home for an hour now, and I need to bathe, so I’ll write later.

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