1. Blue Jeans

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"Blue jeans, white shirt, you walked into the room you know you made my eyes burn"

I couldn't take my eyes off him. His beautiful brown complexion, tanned a little in the late summer sun. His hair in a scruffy quiff- sculpted perfectly on his head. The stubble on his perfectly crafted face enhanced his sharp jawline. His off-white t-shirt clung loosely onto his body, revealing a little muscle from under his smooth skin. His slim jeans just the right fit, emphasizing his mouth-watering calves; making me bite my lip. The sensation brought me back into the room. I felt myself blush as everyone turned to look at me;


"Sorry, I was-"

"I'm Zayn," he smiled, showing off his perfect set of pearls. 

He spoke. His voice was husky in the most perfect sense. I was lost for words in his glowing hazel eyes which were framed in dark thick lashes. It made my insides melt.

He held out a hand for me to shake and I instantly took hold of it and pulled myself together.

"Um, nice to meet you Zayn," I muttered.

"Likewise," he winked, letting go of my hand and going back out the way he came.

I felt like a hurricane had just blown me away into a fantasy world and right back down to reality.; and before I realised I was still standing there stunned at what had just happened, somebody called me again,

"Imogen, you're going to have to have Zayn's room tonight, the girls have already paired up."


We had only just moved to Bradford this morning and our removal men had abandoned us, not delivering for another few days. Mr and Mrs Malik, our new neighbours, and old friends of my parents, had kindly opened up their home for us until we had fully moved in. I'd only just met him and there was no way was I sleeping in the same room as him.

"No, no. I can just sleep on the couch, I really don't mind,"

"Don't be silly. Besides, your father's sleeping there. And your mum will be sleeping with Alice and Ben in Doniya's room and she'll be with her sisters in their bedroom so you really don't have another option," she said, trying to convince me.

Oh great.

"Don't worry, he's staying at a friend's tonight." I guess she read my mind. Thank God.

"Oh, okay," I muttered. I took my bag and followed Trisha up the stairs into Zayn's bedroom. It was surprisingly tidy but smelt so subtly of cigarettes and aftershave. There was a leather jacket on the bed and a pair of nike blazers on the floor. 

"Make yourself comfortable, honey. Sleep well." And with that she shut the door and left me there in a strange boy's bedroom. Not the ideal situation to be in. 

I changed into a pair of leggings and a loose t-shirt and sat on the bed. I didn't feel like sleeping so I thought I'd have a look around his room.

I spotted his desk in the corner of the room and walked up to it. I saw a couple of books piled up on the corner along with a notebook and a couple of pens. He didn't look like the bookworm type but I wasn't one to judge. I picked up one of the books 'City Of Bones' and as I flicked through it, I found a photo marking his page. It was of him and a girl. You could see the laughter in their eyes. I turned it around to see if there would be a name or something on it: 'Forever and always. Lots of love, Perrie xxx' 

Hearing the floorboards creak outside the door, I quickly stuffed it back and jumped into bed. I didn't want to be caught looking through his personal things. I didn't even know him but I couldn't stop thinking about how wonderful it would have been to share this bed with him tonight. I was too tired to prevent such thoughts. So he has a girlfriend then, I thought to myself as I slowly drifted off to sleep...


I woke to the sound of shuffling. I opened my eyes to see someone standing in the corner of the room by the desk,


He turned around to reveal his face, laughing. Shit, I'd forgotten I was actually in his room.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," Zayn laughed.

Great, he thinks I'm a freak. I put my head back down and checked my phone to see it was 6.15. 

"Why are you up at this time?" I asked.

"I've got college, first day back." he replied, as if I was supposed to know.


I didn’t even have a school to go to yet so I didn’t have anything to worry about.

"Have you sorted out a place for yourself at sixth form yet? I think your dad might have enrolled you at mine"

“What, we’ve only been here five minutes?”

He laughed again.

“I think you should talk to him. Anyway, I’m gonna be late, see you later,”

“See you.”

I was alone again but I couldn’t go back to sleep. I decided it would be best if I just got up. I threw on the same jumper and jeans I’d been wearing the night before and went to find everyone else.



So this is the first part to my first ever fan fiction.

Please let me know what you think,

Thanks for reading :)

 - T xx

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