5. Can't Have You

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Hiiiii I'm so sorry I've been away for ever! I wrote this such a long time ago but never got round to posting it. This is probably really crap and I don't know if anyone is still reading it so if you do see this please let me know. Here it is;

"I'm under pressure 'cause I can't have you the way that I want."

The next few days drifted by. I didn't see Zayn after that night in his room. Turns out he had more than just the one bag of coke. "Just put it in this book and I'll go put it in my bag right now" I'd said, right before he told me he had more, making me laugh.

"Don't you have the rest of the series or something?" I questioned. I assumed he'd have at least the next book in 'The Mortal Instruments' series since he had been reading City of Bones so that I could put the rest in them. Although, it was a bit girly for him.

"It's not my book, okay. Perrie left it here last time she stayed over."

I couldn't help but feel a tight pain in my stomach. Obviously she slept over, she was his girlfriend.

I'd eventually stuffed it in the pocket of my jeans when Uncle Yas called out that my parents had come to pick up my siblings and I. Somehow I felt like I was on a mission.

When I got home I put all of it away in my jewellery box and hid it at the very back of my wardrobe and covered it with my makeup bag.


Zayn hadn't turned up for school for a few days. I wondered if it was because he was scared or just not feeling up to seeing Perrie and not being with her.

I went to all of my classes, met my new teachers and classmates whom I didn't speak to apart from a girl, Kara, who was also new to the Sixth Form; although, she seemed to know quite a few people at the school. Apparently she went to a nearby secondary school in town.

Friday morning as I sat in the cafeteria drinking a cup of hot chocolate I was surprised to see Zayn and Perrie hand in hand walking towards me.

"Hey!" They both said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Hey, you guys made up then?" I smiled back. Their response was a sloppy kiss which I felt obliged to turn away from.

They sat across from me and started telling me how they'd both realised they had wrongly accused each other of silly things whilst I politely pretended to listen, reminding me Zayn was out of bounds. Thankfully, we were interupted by Kara and this other boy named Connor who, according to Kara, had a massive crush on Perrie since Year 9.

Connor and Zayn exchanged a few looks, easily explained by the new found information, whilst Kara told me and Perrie that our next lesson had been cancelled.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" Zayn asked me. I couldn't help but notice a twinkle in his eyes, but I couldn't figure out whether it was sadness or joy.

"Nothing. This was my only lesson today so I might just head home." I reply.

"Oh, come on, don't be a kill joy." Perrie insisted we go out and do something but to be fair I wasn't really up for another round of kiss-nation starring the favourite couple.

"Fine. What do you wanna do?"

"Hm.." She paused. "Let's go to the fair." She looked at Zayn for approval and as soon as he smiled she kissed him once again and they stood up.

We got to the park where the fun fair had been set up but because it was only about 11 not many of the rides were open.

"Looks like you're early, kids." I wasn't the only one who'd noticed. One of the ride operators called out.

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