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M A R A U D E R S.


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。・゚゚・ MARAUDERS... ! ・゚゚・。
joy to the world. all the boys and girls, now. joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea. joy to you and me.

"A SCHOOL FOR magic!? You're gonna be a professional magician!" Romola exclaimed in the little abandoned room, ignoring her four split pieces of toast Remus had brought sitting next for her. She couldn't believe her ears after Lupin summrized his conversation with the elder man, named Dumbledore, to the girl. Remus wasn't Remus without his secrets, she knew that, but she was somewhat prideful in what she was able to accomplish in getting him to open up to her.

"Wizard, but yeah, I guess..." Remus corrected,  nowhere near as pleased as his sister.

"Remu, you get to get the fuck outta here, you should be happy!" A smile was on her face. She knew he had a soft spot for her smile. For a ten year-old girl, she had the mouth of a sailor, courtesy of the older girls at St. Agnes. And so far, no Matron punishment was able to change that.

"I know, I know...but what about my episodes..."

"That old yob seemed really keen on gettin ya to that school Reem'' Romola consoled. "He would'nt be goin outta his way lookin for some backward kids if he didn't think you were somethin' special. And who knows, next year I could even join ya!"

"But...will you be okay without me Romie"

This was a thought she hadn't properly considered yet. There wasn't a day alive that Romola had been without her brother. Even with their parents, Romola would always stick to his side, it was comforting. They were peferfect foils. Where she was extroverted he was quiet. Where she used intuition he had an abstract way of thinking. Yet they both were very logical and preferred to plan less and go with the flow. But there seemed to be an unspoken plan between the two individuals. Never leave eachother's sides. At least not yet. Not before they were even teenagers. Romola knew she could certainly make her brother stay if she said so. But she saw the red lines on his skin. And the bags under his eyes. And the frown on his lips. As she got older she would look back on this moment and wonder how different their lives couldve been. How much suffering would have been removed from their lives. How many people they would have never met. How much love they'd never feel. A life not l-

"I can handle myself, you know me" Romola said with a fake smile for confidence and a hug. Even though they both hated hugs, this moment seemed right.

Remus was only home for about three weeks or so before having to leave for Hogwarts. In those days he spent as much time with Romola as Matron would permit, reassuring her that he would call the payphone as much as he could. When the other girls asked where he was going, she would simply reply:

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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