Chapter Two: Golden Boy Lost His Mind

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Sofia finally snapped out of the girls powers when they were back at the school. "How the hell could you do that to me!?" she yelled, getting in Cate's face.

"Did you wanna get caught?" Cate asked, trying to stand tall.


Sofia cut Jordan off, "You said I was going to have fun!" She stated, pointing her finger at them. "And now an innocent woman is dead, and Marie might get expelled!"

Andre scoffed, "Why do you care so much about what happens to her?"

"Because I'm a decent human being? And you have NO right to talk because it was you who got us into this situation, both with the woman and with brining Marie. So if something happens... it's your fault." Sofia stated, walking off from the group and back to her dorm.

When she got there she ripped off the dress with no hesitation, putting comfy clothes on and climbing into her bed so that she could try to forget this night. She quickly put on her headphones and stared at the wall, tears running down her face as the music filled her ears. Sofia knew that Jordan was back since the light from the hallway shinned into the room for a second, and then it was dark once more. She didn't say anything, she didn't even look over at them to see if they were talking or looking back at her. Sofia tried to close her eyes but the image of that woman's eyes haunted her brain.

She felt something light smack against her head, causing her to sit up and glare at Jordan. They were now in their female form, staring at her with a guilty look. Jordan made a hand movement to tell Sofia to take her headphones off, so she did with a groan. "What Jordan?"

"The woman's alive... Marie saved her." They stated, grabbing clothes from their closet. "She's alive."

Sofia just stared at them, "She could have still died."

"Fuck I know that Sof, but she is alive. I'm not really happy it happened either, and i'm REALLY not happy that Cate used her powers on you." Jordan explained. They went to take off their shirt but then they realized that Sofia was looking. "Could you?"

"Do you want me to turn around so that you can change, is that what this is about?" Sofia asked, slightly smirking at them.

Jordan frowned, "Fine." they stated, ripping off their shirt.

Sofia let out a sigh, turning her head away. "Goodnight Jordan."

"Night Sof." They stated.

Sofia put her headphones back on and finally felt okay to close her eyes. The news about the woman really helped calm her down a lot, but she still needed to talk to Marie and explain what happened.... that she wanted to go back for her. Though she knew it was better to wait until their minds were clear. Sofia just hoped that Marie can forgive her.

When Sofia woke up the next day she was surprised to see that Jordan was already up and out. She sat there for a moment thinking about what she was going to do today since her classes didn't start till tomorrow. Sofia grabbed her phone and noticed a message from Emma labeled 'SOS' so that made the girl get up and run down the hall. She barged into the room with heavy breaths and frowned when she saw that Emma and Marie were smiling at her phone, the two of them looking up at the girl once she barged in.

"You sent SOS." Sofia breathed, looking around confused. "What is the SOS about?"

"Marie is viral!" Emma exclaimed, getting up and shoving the phone in her face.

Sofia looked at Emma like she was crazy, "That was the SOS?"

"Uh, yeah?" Emma replied confused.

Sofia rubbed her eyebrows in frustration, "Emma an SOS is if you need help getting big, or if someone creepy is hitting on you!"

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