Love Storm 1

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Chapter 0: Introduction
Pap, pap, pap
"Hey, what happened to my baby!"
On a road in central Bangkok, a small European car was driving at the speed of a turtle due to traffic congestion since the evening. But then an explosion sounded from the front right wheel, followed by a strange sound of wheels scrunching against the road. Then the car started to shake slightly causing the driver to scream, gripping the steering wheel tightly. He could not dare to look up out of the window.
Right now, it's definitely the end of you, Rain... damn!
For an eighteen-year-old boy who passed his driving test three months ago. He took his father's car off the road for less than two months; a tire explosion was like a disaster.
"Fuck! So, don't rush me, so don't rush me! What should I do first?" The fool was helpless before an idea flashed in his head.
Well, my father said that if something happens, turn on the emergency lights first.

The brain can process immediately and Rain suddenly hit the emergency light button which seemed to give meaning to the car behind him because it turned on the turn signal to overtake him. This went on until his heart sank, but with the car being in the middle lane and getting stuck. He could not stop here, the rookie driver tried to support the car to the side of the road, but...
Pap-pa, Pap-pa, Pap-pa. "Damn."
Rain could only exclaim only one word when the sky had more and more drops of water falling onto the windshield so loudly that he wanted to raise his fist to the sky, shouting to ask if I wasn't bad enough.
Now the car in the back knows that there's something wrong with his car, but...what to do next!
At times like this, he can only do one thing. "Papaaa, help me."
He moved to try calling his beloved Papa. Knock, Knock, Knock.
Before Rain could call his beloved father, he heard a startling knock on the car window, and then he was terrified until he trembled when he turned to see a man dressed in black leather, wearing a black helmet lined with red

lights, straddling a huge big bike, looking down with a threatening look until Rain said to himself... I am done for.
Am I distracted to do something for you?!
If it was normal time, Rain would have sped away from him, but in a situation where his car's wheels were torn and crashed into the road, he could only burst into tears.
Knock, Knock
The other party knocked harder; he pointed his finger at the wheel of the car that had probably burst.
"%>€!$^>!€¥¥." "Huh."
Rain exclaimed, the sound that entered the car was so muffled that it was inaudible. So, he pressed the glass down, shouting through the rain.
"Phii, what's wrong?"
When he asked, the other party opened his helmet, revealing only his eyes which was sharp as hawk eyes.
"There is a detour ahead, you moved the car and park there, I'll check the wheels for you."

Rain stepped on the brake and put his feet on the edge of the window, his eyes widen and he asked happily, letting the person look at him a bit still, then nodded twice.
"I'll check the problem for you."
The owner of a beautiful big bike said that and he let Rain press gas and drive the car up ahead. Then he turned the car behind him and also helped to turn on the emergency signal to tell the cars behind him again that the car had broken down, causing the person who has just encountered the disaster to smile, but the smile suddenly stops as he remembers.
Wait! What if I park and get hijacked?
A young man born in the city, who saw the news of the robbery in LINE links that his mother sent to him every day and secretly felt panicked. But he was comforted that he might not be one of them and there were a lot of cars around here. If something comes up, he was sure the news will be posted on Twitter for sure.
Well, even if he calls Dad. It's probably past midnight until his father comes so he has to take some risks.
The idea of someone who looks in the rear-view mirror and he found that Bike Guy prevented other cars from turning left easily. until the newbie drove the car safely to the detour even if the whistling sounds a bit nerve- wracking.
Now parked, but it's me. Will I survive Bike Guy?

The owner of the car secretly glanced at the rear-view mirror again and found that the leather jacket man was taking a beautiful big bike to park another car behind him. Turn on the light signal to let other cars turn to know that there is a broken car here. Then he took a long step closer to the driver's side, bent down, and knocked on the window until the young man was startled.
"Yes, Phii."
"Your tire has punctured; do you have a spare tire?" Well, this good person is not as bad as a jujube leaf!
Even though he didn't trust him much, since he gave him help, he wasn't a headstrong robber with the danger like the one his Mama filled his ears every day. Rain walked down and opened the boot, pointed to the other side of the spare wheel and all the mechanics, but honestly, he couldn't do it himself.
All of these belong to his father.
"Can you use it like this? Phii."
"Have you ever changed a tire before?" Kwak.
"So, that's it."
Bike Guy muttered and glanced at the sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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