get out. DONT! PLEASE! Get.... OUT!!!help.-

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Just wanted to confirm it for people who aren't sure, Ethan is Jax. And now we can ALL confirm he WAS an idiot in high school. :)


"Ready?" I ask

"Ready." he replies. He had been fighting to keep the cage door closed but now that he got the command he let go of the metal bars containing the birds.

They burst out, a literal stream of them shoot out of the cage, twirling dancing, rising up, up, up towards the top of the tent, free at last, only to be met with the roof, and with the startling realization that they were simply in a larger cage.

———no more poetry———

"What do we do now?" Darren asks from beside me, breaking the silence.

"Umm... I guess we get the others?" I say it more like a question than a statement, much less a command. To be honest, we haven't really planned the adventure that well, and it took FOREVER to catch the damn birds. (Squoolks is the name of the bird, don't judge Ik it's weird)

"Sure." He says. I'm extremely tired from doing that magicky power barrier stuff last night. So I practically drag myself over to the rooms to wake the others up.

Darren was long ahead of me, already at the first door, Kinger's, ringing the doorbell.

I yawn and head to the next door, Ragatha's. I knock on the door.


"Wha- oh, hi Y/N!" She says greeting me as she rubs her eyes, still fuzzy from the sleep.

"Hi. We're getting ready for the adventure. We should get ready?" I say smiling weakly.

"Oh my god, Y/N! Have you slept at all last night?! You have bags under your eyes!" She exclaims, rushing up to me, concerned.

"Wait, but I didn't think we needed to sleep here." I say, trying to pull myself away from her mothering and failing. Failing miserably.

"Yes, but you can still get tired! Just because you won't die from not sleeping, doesn't mean you shouldn't!" She says pushing me towards my room.

"Noooooooooo- please, for Caine, we need to do it for him. I'm not sleeping even if you tie me to my bed." I say, trying to walk backwards.

Damn Ragatha was strong.

She managed to open the door while also keeping me from escaping.

"Ragatha, I'm not a child anymore I can make my own decisions!" I mutter annoyed.

"You're a child to me, you are! Now you're going to bed before I decide to super glue you there for the rest of eternity!" She says pushing me into the room.

"Wait! Can I go to sleep after we've set up the adventure? Please? I promise I'll go to bed after..." she sighs, I look at her pleadingly. She sighs.

"Fine, but I was serious about the superglue, got that?"

"Blackmail is amazing!" I say as I go to wake Gangle up.


"It's the perfect distraction though! Why not?" He snaps angrily

-hey— what are- you——doin-g?!?

Jax POV:

No escape... no escape... the thought whispered. I try to shake it away.

No! I don't care about the exit! I yell, doubt already clouding my mind.

No... escape...

Ugh! I try to think of what I cared about in the circus but I can't think of anything or anyone other than... Y/N.

I think of her. I think of her if I left, the voice was backing away slightly, but not conpletely.


I feel the black goo envelop me.

I bolt upright in a cold sweat, my breathing ragged. I hear a knock on my door. I groan but I get up and open the door.

It's Y/

——ok, I got control of the- OH CRAP—-


Word Count: 632 words. Update tomor-

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