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(ENFJ) Anna's POV

I tally the items in my luggage with the list of "MUST NOT FORGET" in my hand for the nth time and double-check the boarding schedule on my table.

The train leaves at twelve-thirty.

A fifteen minutes drive to the train station. Twenty minutes to board with ten to spare. Another fifty-minute in the journey to the next state. Add a fifteen-minute drive to the university. That leaves half an hour to spare.

Good. I check my outfit in the full-length mirror.

Neat plaid skirt. Check. Off-white screw neck top. Check. Cream beige cardigan. Check. Clean hair. Check. Knee-length black shoes. Check. Ribbon. Check.

Now. Smile. Since when has it been a chore?

I catch sight of my hands pressed togather in front of my skirt. Oh no. Gripping the bed post, I take a seat on the bed. My knees can't be trusted.

Breathe. Inhale. Count to five. Exhale.

It's fine. It will be okay. I am an adult now.

Think of the good things. The different things. The new things.

New classes. New teachers. I will make new friends!

When was the last time I socialized? It is intimidating that no memory comes to me.

Cram school, extra tuition and cycling drains all of my energy and time.

Speaking of time. I should head out now. Just then, "Anna! Buck up! We are gonna be late." My brother, Jonah's (ESFJ), voice floats upstairs.

"Be there in a jiffy!", I call and look around my room one last time. Everything is in its respective place. Perfect.

Let's hope we don't forget anything. Please. I grab my luggage and head downstairs.

Placing my stuff in the hall, I enter the kitchen only to witness my brother trying to stuff his already full mouth with another of the cookies I baked this morning.

He catches my eye and grins. "yoUr CooKiNg keEpS..."

"Swallow it first then speak." I scold him.

He takes his time chewing and swallowing. "I said that your cooking keeps getting better." He compliments, already reaching for another cookie.

I swat his hand away. "It is baking. Technically. And thank you."

I say putting the cookie jar, away. He steals one anyway, smugly, "You will have your own bakery soon and I will be your personal taster."

I stick my tongue out at him. "Dream on."

"Oh Come on! Pweeese?" He pleads in a baby voice and puppy eyes.

He looks adorable. But we are siblings so, my nose scrunches, "You look like a fish."

Jonah drops the act. "Say you ugly."

Before I retort our elder brother, Vamik(INFJ), walks in and smacks the back of Jonah's head with the folder he is holding.

"No one calls my sister that." That is my big bro for you.

"You always side with her!", Jonah complains.

" We are best buddies after all." Vamik winks at me.

I stick my tongue at Jonah. Big brothers with age gap are best defense in a battle with younger ones.

"Alright, enough playing. You two ready to go?" " Yup! " We nod enthusiastically.

Vamik looks me in the eye and raises his brow in question. I give him a half nervous half determined smile.

TWICE FOR LOVE (An Mbti College Romance)Where stories live. Discover now