08. The Scorpion and the Frog

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CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND - 7.45pm on a Friday


As a woman entered the building, a chime sounded.

A woman said over the PA, "Your attention, please. The museum will close in 15 minutes. The museum will close in 15 minutes."

The woman continued walking through the building and headed downstairs into a 'Staff Only' section. She attempted to open a locked door to the Archive Room, but she had the wrong code. She tried again, before giving up and using brute force to break open the door. She looked into a drawer and found some old parchments. She smiled and put them into her bag.

"Excuse me?" a guard said. "Madam? You're not allowed down here."

The woman opened her mouth and demon smoke left her body, entering the body of the guard to possess him.


The demon guard waited and another man arrived.

"Well done," Barthamus said.

"How do you think Asmodeus will reward us?" the demon guard asked.

Barthamus killed the demon guard with an angel blade and took out his phone to make a call.

Dean answered the phone. "Yeah?"

"Dean Winchester?" Barthamus questioned.

"Who's this?"

"I have something you might be interested in."


Dean was cleaning a gun. Ainsley was reading a book. Sam walked into room and noticed what Dean was doing.

"I think she's clean," Sam said.

Dean dropped the gun on the table. "Anything on Ketch?"

"No. Checked every hospital in a 50-mile radius. Nada."

He sighed. "Crazy son of a bitch probably pulled the bullet out with his teeth."


"What about Jack?" Ainsley asked.

"I talked to Cas. He's got nothing. It's like–" He sighed. "We gotta find something in the lore or wait for Jack to make a mistake."

"Yeah, well, the "mistakes" are what I'm worried about," Dean said, glancing at his niece.

Dean's cellphone rang. The screen indicated 'unknown caller'. "Yeah?"

Barthamus, on the phone, said, "Dean Winchester?"

"Who's this?"

"I have something you might be interested in."

"No, we're happy with our cable provider. Thank you."

"What about your Nephilim? Word on the street is he's gone rogue."

"Yeah? What street is that?"

"Hell Street. Hell Avenue. Just Hell, really."

Sam and Ainsley whispered, "Demon?" Dean nodded.

"What if I told you I had a way to find your boy? Meet me at Smile Diner at 12:45."

The phone line disconnected.


Sam, Ainsley and Dean walked down a city street.

"You know, this could be a trap," Dean said. "I mean he could work for Asmodeus."

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