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Im back bitches ;>

(this imagine is when y/n met seungmin when she was in the past)

starting seungmin's imagine...

"the cold autumn day"


Dear diary,

It was a cold autumn day when I met him.

I was walking down my school, the sidewalk uneven, lines hypnotizing,  I hummed as I created imaginary shapes.

The wind breezed by ruffling my hair.

The books in my hand stumbled and fell, pages flying out, and despair took over me.

oh i knew i was clumsy but what the actual  flummoxed flying avocado buttery hell is wrong with me?

I sighed letting few science papers going astray, there go my credits..

I dusted off the imaginary dust off my book, just for effect and sat down, sighing and pondering on why my life is so screwed up.

Some guy tapped me, his husky voice reached my ears in uncertain english saying

"are these yours..?"

I looked up, he had soft fluffy hair, the sun hitting it made me see colors, the endearing awkward smile made my heart skip a beat

well butter my biscuits this guy is a smash.

" ah, yes- danke.. i mean merci.. i mean arigato  I MEan- thank-" I stuttered when I noticed his eyes below the hoodie.

" hah, your welcome, so well- uh-" he handed them to me our fingers brushed, I held my breath in as I looked up eyes meeting, the wind ruffling my hair.

He took off his mask, and i thought I fell more in love..

" you should study kid, damn i sound old..." he said chuckling

kid?.. maybe i need someone older huh..

" I'm 18, so technically an adult, how old are you?"

please don't be 50 

"20" he said shocked

"huh alright, well uhm thank you again, have a nice evening!" I said softly bowing and leaving. I noticed 7 other boys standing at the end of the road waving at the mystery lover boy to hurry up.

if only i knew that I would be cuddling with all of them 3 years later...


something not horni for u hehehhee

hope ya'll are well

you have summoned me back from the dead j2edjoaj

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