Chapter 21

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This careful dance we've been doing—the texting and occasional meet-ups for sex have been great, but I knew it couldn't last forever. And since I haven't heard from Minji in a couple of days, I fear this might be the end. But then she called an hour ago to ask what I was doing this weekend, and when I replied "Absolutely nothing," our plan was hatched.

Which means I'm currently sitting alone in my apartment waiting for her to arrive. It's Friday night and the sun has just set. My mood is a bit melancholy, and I feel so unsure about everything. As excited as I've been about the pregnancy, my feelings for the person who put the bun in my oven have only grown stronger with each passing week.

Finally, a gentle knock on my door interrupts my sullen thoughts. I pull it open and find my baby daddy standing outside with a huge bunch of daisies wrapped in yellow paper in her hands.

Yellow. The color for friendship. Why does that sting so bad?

I take a deep breath and usher her inside. "Those are beautiful."

She hands me the bouquet. "I thought your place could use some cheering up."

She's right. The weather has gotten cold and gray, and there's snow in the forecast. Maybe that's the reason I've been down.

"Thank you. That was sweet. And they certainly are cheery." I head to the kitchen to fill a vase, and Minji follows. I'd forgotten how much I've missed her warm presence, her scent.

As I place the flowers in some water, I can feel her watching me.

"Are you sure you don't want to go out and get crazy? Go to a bar, maybe? I can't even drink. I'm totally boring."

"You're my kind of boring." Minji's mouth curves into a smile and she leans in to press a soft kiss to my lips.

I level her with a serious look. "Seriously, Minji."

She takes my hands. "I'm not some twenty-one-year-old looking to get boozed up and laid. Actually, that last part was a lie. If sex is on the table, I'm all in." This earns her a laugh. "But, seriously. An evening in with some good company is my idea of heaven right now."

I turn from the kitchen, heading to the hall. I need a moment. It's not helpful for her to be so sweet, so sensitive, so attentive. It's not helpful for anyone. I might be fun now—but what happens when I'm nine months pregnant and huge, complete with hemorrhoids and leaky breasts? Is Minji still going to be around then? Yeah, no. I didn't think so. She's so damn fine, hot and sexy to want to linger around me by then.

"Come here. I want to show you something," I say as she follows me.

I lead her back to what will be the baby's room. It was a home office before I rearranged everything this past week. Right now, it's little more than a dresser, boxes, and a few overfilled shopping bags. But what I really want to show her is the paint color I selected.

"What's all this?"

A drop cloth covers the wooden floor, and two gallons of paint along with an assortment of rollers and brushes are scattered about.

"The color I chose for the nursery. It reminds me of the flowers you brought." When Minji frowns, I ask, "You don't like the color?"

She shakes her head. "It's not that. It's just, you shouldn't be painting by yourself, Hanni. The fumes ..."

I hold up one hand. "There's a lot I'm going to have to learn to do by myself, Minji. Single mom, remember."

Her frown relaxes and she nods again. "Right. Sorry. I didn't mean to interfere. But maybe I can lend a hand and help you paint this weekend."

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