Chapter 25

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Motherhood is every bit as amazing as I thought it would be, and then some.

Chloe isn't a dream baby. She fusses. She shits herself all the way up her back. She cries for no reason at all. But I love her more than words can say.

She eats and sleeps and grows, embedding herself in my heart more and more with each passing day. And Minji? She's beyond words. I never imagined having a her by my side, never counted on having her steady hand or sweet disposition to get me through the tough times. And, God, it's everything.

Part of me can't even believe that I ever wanted to do this alone. Sharing the joy, the sweet moments and the difficult ones too, is the best part of my day. I fucking love Minji. And believe me, I'm no domestic goddess. Sometimes it's a wonder she even puts up with me. With my hormonal crying and love of wine and need for space. But she just gets me.

And now things are about to change yet again. My maternity leave is almost over, and quite honestly, I'm itching to get back to work. Motherhood is amazing and Minji swears it suits me, but I'm eager to get back to my shop and a normal routine where I shower before noon and don't have leaky breasts.

The shop has never performed better. After I signed on to be part of youread Books, a marketing team came in and assessed my business, adding layers of marketing, PR, and advertising support. Sales have been through the roof, but I've had to take So-Han's word for it.

"Honey, I'm home," Minji's voice calls from down the hall, and my heart swells.

My everything. My rock. She's home.

"In the kitchen," I call back, tossing a container of button mushrooms into a sauté pan drizzled with butter.

I wanted to make everything tonight special, this last night of my maternity leave. I have steaks marinating in the fridge, and a bottle of merlot open and resting on the counter. Chloe is enjoying some tummy time on a nearby blanket in the living room, and her last bottle of the night is heating.

"What's all this?" Minji asks, stopping to give me a kiss on the back of my neck.

"I was thinking we'd have a nice dinner together once Chloe went to bed."

Minji smiles at me like she approves of this idea.

I hoped to be more put together than my usual ponytail and yoga pants by the time she got home. But, hey, the house is picked up, and more importantly, I've showered and shaved my lady bits. I think that's a win. Because, dear God, it was becoming a jungle down there.

The first time we attempted sex after I had Chloe was a disaster. It was so bad—so painful and awkward with my breast milk oozing out and Chloe crying from the other room—that we gave up and avoided the whole affair for the past few weeks.

But tonight, I'm done waiting. I want Minji. Want to show her how much I love her. How much I appreciate her. How goddamn sexy she is. I'm going to jump Minji's bones ... I just hope our baby cooperates.

Minji grabs two wineglasses from the cabinet and presses a kiss to my cheek. "I'm impressed. This looks amazing."

I place my arms around her shoulders, leaning into her, inhaling her scent, and smile. "I love you."

"Love you more," she says.

After she releases me, she goes to gather up our girl. I could listen to her coo and talk to her in that sweet voice she reserves just for her.

"Come here, princess," she whispers as she lifts her tiny body up against her shoulder, then she looks to me. "Should I give her a bath now?"

I nod. "And I laid out some pajamas for her upstairs."

I smile as I watch them head up to her room. There's no one I'd want by my side more than Minji.

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