Chapter 2

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Charlos pov

Okay so what happened after the mall I immediately left and went to my apartment perrie left a few minutes ago I look at the time and made lunch and eat it .

after eating.

I went to my gaming room and started with my stream after gaming for like an hour my phone got a notification so looked at the notification and its from instagram and see it's from the guy at the mall I stared blushing like crazy then  l remember I have stream and looked away then I saw the chat going crazy asking questions like do I have a new boyfriend I started explaining myself.

" umm guys it nothing exactly no I meet this fine ass man in the mall earlier and now he dm me"

I got another notification and oh my god i blushed even more if that's possible shit I forgot his little brother wacht's my streams and he's watching me I looked away form the camera and answered him

this is there chat

Carlos Sainz: " hey I'm the guy from mall earlier and I just wanted to apologize for my behavior and wanted to ask if you want to meet up and start over from the beginning and what happened in the mall leave it in the past

Carlos Sainz: "😏 so you think "I'm a fine ass man" thank you mi amour"

Charles leclerc: umm you heard that anyways sure and bring your little brother just name what time and place and yeah I think your fine so what's with the my love

Carlos Sainz: don't worry I was bringing him anyways and I have to go look at if I'm free I will tell you bye

After done dming him i turn around and I look at stream chat and it still going crazy I try to control but the people want to know how it is I say no one and go back to gaming.

Later I look out the window and see it's late I check the time and it's 7:30 pm oh god I'm supposed to be at my at my parents house i say a quick goodbye to the stream and end it I call my mom and tell her I'm coming home now

Mama and papa leclerc house

I arrived I turn off the car and go inside I greet mom and dad then Arthur then Lorenzo the table is already set so we are saying grace and start eating .

After eating we go to the living room and start talking about how life's going then mom ask me if there's someone I'm seeing

I start blushing thinking about Carlos I don't even know why I'm blushing I tried hide my face but it's too late I'm brother start teasing me and mom asking who the lucky man is

Charles: umm okay I meet this really good looking man let me tell you he is fine his little brother is a fan so he asked for a picture and the man dm me while I was streaming yeah

Arthur: so what did he say when he dm you spilll the tea

Lorenzo: what he said start spilling

Charles: okay so first in the mall he started flirting with me and he's little brother yelled at him to stop flirting with every favorite celebrity he meets

Arthur: ohhh embarrassing

Lorenzo: yeah the second hand embarrassment did anyone look

Charles: yeah people started looking so I grabbed perrie hand and left

Mom: and go further what happened spill what did you after you left

Charles: so I went with perrie then he left I made lunch and ate it then started streaming an hour later— I got interrupted by my phone getting a notification I looked down and saw he dm me

Carlos Sainz: hey good evening I know I should be telling you what time and place but would you like to grab lunch with me at ************** restaurant if you want and if your not busy

I blushed a deep red did he just ask me to lunch my phone was snatched out of my hand from my mom I froze

Charles: mom what are doing give me my phone

Mom: here I replied you are going to the restaurant with the man and he looks like the perfect man what's his name

Charles: what mom then what I'm supposed to wear Arthur Lorenzo you got to help me and his name Carlos Sainz

Dad: what the Carlos Sainz as in the multi billionaire

Charles: yes dad the Carlos Sainz back to story then a hour later he dm me look

I showed them I'm phone from the start of the conversation to now

Arthur: oh damn he wants you I'm telling you right now

Lorenzo: a give me your phone we need to find out what time his lunch is we are going to make him fall in love with you hard

After Lorenzo found what time the lunch is going to be I greeted everyone goodbye and went home I got ready for bed and went to sleep thinking about a hot Spanish man I would want to date and fuck me till I can't walk

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