Chapter 3: Deal in a Raging War

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Rafal was trying to prepare for the war. Insults were compiled, pranks planned, and posters put up.

It was the following Monday that the Evers made the first attack. Claire scooted a seat over and sat next to Rafal. Rafal retaliated with one of his best insults.

Pranks were pulled, insults launched, posters put over each other, and Storian was caught in the middle of it. But she stayed steadfastly neutral, going to the Evers meeting on Mondays and Wednesdays, the Nevers meeting on Tuesday and Thursday, and doing nothing on Friday.

Tedros was avoiding the many stink bombs planted outside his mansion of a house.

Agatha found her stewed lizard lunch stolen and tossed in the trash, although that could just be an Ever who thought it was trash.

Claire was being trapped at the lunch table while insults flew through the air.

But the Nevers were also taking losses.

The Ever's posters were much better, and all the Nevers lunches were stolen and trashed.

However, the Nevers seemed to be winning. One day, Rafal bought some lunch. He left the lunch from home in his lunchbox. At night, he stuck the now-soggy cucumber and herb butter sandwich in Rhian's blankets.

Rhian's pajamas were strangely buttery and had cucumbers stuck to them the next morning.

That seemed to be the winning move, until Rafal disovered a raw egg in his blanket. It was tossed in the trash before it could cause Rafal to get all yolk-y.

Rafal retaliated fast. The next morning, he made hard-boiled eggs. Only he didn't boil Rhian's egg. When Rhian cracked it on the table, the raw egg dripped all over his clothes.

Rhian needed to prank back, fast. He spilled watercolors all over Rafal's posters. Rafal handed Rhian's posters to one of their younger sisters. Whe Rhian got hold of it, the rips were huge, crayon drawing covered it, a corner was soggy, and there were so many random creases and wrinkles and rips that it was a wonder the paper held together.

A/N: Like I said, this has a cringe warning. If you wonder where the parents and the teachers went, don't leave comments asking me. Lazy author who doesn't want to make a suitable explanation alert okay?

The war was escalating. Poor Storian was in the middle of the crossfire. If she thought that she wouldn't be targeted, she was dead wrong. Both sides attacked her, each thinking she was on the other side, forcing her to pick a side.

Storian realized that the best thing for her was for the war to stop. She initiated a temporary truce and asked the Ever leaders and Never leaders to just talk it out.

Well, that was not what happened at the truce.

"They're attacking us and pranking us and insulting us!" yelled Rhian (who couldn't seem to wash off the smell of cucumbers, herb butter, and a raw egg) while holding a ruined poster.

Rafal, stained with watercolors, held up another ruined poster. "Right back to you, dear brother." he smiled evilly.

Tedros and Hephaestus were ready to bash Rafal's head with all 6 SGE books and both of the Rise and Fall books.

Claire was desperately trying to calm down, and Kyma calculated the correct way to address this. Meanwhile, Agatha sat in a corner, bored to death. Emma was fidgeting with her canary yellow nails.

Pollux T. Woheads was glaring at Castor T. Woheads, her fraternal twin.

Espada S. Wordplay, the Physical Training teacher for the Everboys, seemed ready to launch an attack.

Uma, the animal care teacher, was stroking one of her bunnies gently, looking around nervously.

One the other side of the Mistral living room, Leonora "I could kill you if you called me my first name" Lesso was yelling at Beatrix P. Rincess, one of the most talented, annoying Evers for calling her Leonora.

Billious Manley, the Uglification teacher, who deemed uglifying important for people to realize who they actually were under all that appearance, was having a heated debate with Emma.

Sheeba Sheeks, the talent teacher was yelling at Rhian about the Evers lack of individuality.

After winning the glaring match against Pollux, Castor and his constant follower Beezle D. Warf were joining Sheeba in the yelling match.

All in all, this was the exact opposite of what Storian had wanted.

Soon both sides were yelling at each other.

"STOP!" yelled Storian though a megaphone she had brought. She subsequently blew a whistle three times.

Rafal began cooking up a scheme.

"Hey twin, let's make a deal. Whichever side gets Storian on theirs wins this war." Rafal stated.

Claire, seeing a possible olive branch, was tired of the war. She was being tortured at her lunch table. The Evers can win next time, she thought, as she yelled "YES!"

Rhian was surprised. But it seemed like a good way. Rafal was clever. He hadn't fallen for the raw egg trick, so the only thing Rhian had on him was the poster.

"Very well, brother, I accept."

Storian was apalled. "I NEVER AGREED TO THIS!"

But both sides were already brainstorming ways to get her on their sides.

Storian calculated the situation carefully. Maybe she could make this work.

"I will agree, if both sides cease fire."

"Nevers, let's vote." Rafal announced.

Leonora voted to cease fire. Castor and Beezle, who counted as a single vote because Beezle did whatever Castor did, voted for more war. Billious wanted more war as well. Sheeba wanted to cease fire, thinking that Storian will love her Special Talents class. As students didn't get votes, Hester and the rest didn't vote.

Rafal counted the votes and found that there was a tie. So he asked Anadil to vote. Anadil replied "More war." immediately.

Storian was disappointed. She knew that they would make the deal anyway, so she asked the Evers. Rhian glared at his brother, a scent of herb butter wafting off him, and declared that the Evers were going for a war.

Storian sighed. She had orchestrated the meeting to cause peace, not to make her involvement the final battle. She decided to stay steadfastly neutral. If she picked the Evers, Hester would freak and forget about the fact that the war was over. If she picked te Nevers, then well, she didn't trust Rhian to not go crazy.

Then what she just thought sank in. Was Rhian good? He didn't seem like the calm, orderly person one would expect head of the Evers to be. and Rafal wasn't exactly all about individuality either. Had there been a twin switch? Were the twins on the wrong sides?

But Storian had no time to ponder suck questions. Rafal and Rhian were shaking hands, creating an agreement.

After the handshake, both twins ran to the nearest sink to wash their hands.

Kyma, watching the scene, snickered gently. "War or no war, deal or no deal, those boys are always the same."

A/N Vote if Rafal is the better twin. Or vote if Rhian is the better twin. Vote on this part and comment on the twin, please.

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