Chapter 2: Joining the club!

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Casper and Penelope followed Monika into the clubroom, upon entering they heard an excited  "Are those new club members!?" A girl with coral pink hair squealed immediately bouncing over to greet the two.

Monika let out a chuckle, smiling in amusement "Ah, they've come to check out the club, Sayori." Monika explained with a hand over her chest.

"Eh new club members?" A girl with pink hair, popped her head out from the closest and began to make her way over. 

Monika turned toward Casper and Penelope "This is Natsuki and Sayori, the poor girl you startled was Yuri." Monika introduced the two girls, gesturing to them when there name was said.

"Oh wow this club is FULL of girls." Casper blurted out in surprise, he was at least expecting there to be one boy, oh wow. His response earned an amused giggle from Penelope, who was rather delighted at it being mainly girls.

Natsuki's eyebrows knitted together in annoyance as she placed her hands on her hips "I was hoping it would stay that what. Way to kill the atmosphere." she spoke in a snarky tone.

Casper let out a scoff, he didn't mean it in a bad way he was just surprised in all honesty "I'm sure you weren't committing much to the AtMoSpHeRe, pipsqueak."  Casper mocked in response, crossing his arms.

"Don't start, please. We've only just got here, I don't want to kicked out of this club already." Penelope murmured in defeat, not even going to try to intervene besides that small comment.

Natsuki's face turned red as her hands balled up "Y-You-!"

Monika let out an awkward laugh "Oh dear." 

"You know we haven't got your names yet!" Sayori piped up, effortlessly turning the conversation elsewhere.

Penelope slightly smiled "I'm Penelope, you can just call me Penny..!" she answered.

"Casper." Casper responded simply, that was it, that was his introduction.

"What like the friendly ghost?" Natsuki asked with a raised eyebrow.

Casper narrowed his eyes in annoyance, not the first time he has heard that and he's certain it unfortunately won't be the last "no. no, not like the friendly ghost." Casper replied dryly.

The sound of the door opening was heard, the girl with purple hair was back who Penelope and Casper both now knew as Yuri "H-Hello.." Yuri spoke nervously, the water pitcher she had was now full.

Sayori beamed "Yuri! These are our new club members! Casper and Penny!"   

Yuri managed a smile "Ah, nice to meet you. Do you two like tea? I...I was going to make some." Yuri asked.

Casper nodded "Yea sure, I love tea."

Penelope tilted her head curiously "Oh? You make tea in the classroom, that's cool!" Penelope commented before sheepishly smiling, realizing that was probably a werid thing to find cool "and yeah..I like tea as well."

Yuri awkwardly smiled "The teacher...gave us permission.." she replied before retreating to go and make the tea.

Monika clasped her hands together as she looked over at Penelope and Casper "So what made you want to join the literature club?" Monika questioned.

"Penelope wanted to join a club and dragged me along." Casper stated bluntly in a joking tone.

"You wanted to join said it sounded fun." Penelope  murmured in response, crossing her arms.

"But um...we both like writing poems so we thought it would be a good check...out.." Penelope slowly trailed off more and more, her words becoming unsure as Monika stared at her, Penelope was mentally wondering if Monika was judging her reasoning. It was not very likely however Penelope just didn't like people staring at her for an extended amount of time.

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