V. ᴴᵒᵐᵉ

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   I was surrounded by the cold water again, but this time--I was able to swim. Or struggle to swim, from there, I was able to see land.
It was still a dark night, only the moon was my source of light as I swam to the land. My feet were able to feel the mushy surface below the water as I crawled.
Finally, my fingers brushed against cool, damp sand. I emerged from the water, my skin glistening with droplets that caught with the moonlit beams of light. I fell onto my chest, feeling the sensation of the damp sand beneath my hands and knees as I coughed up the water.
My body was drenched with water, sand stuck to me like glue. 

I managed to stand, my knees ached but I kept myself upright. Able to see the sand dunes with nothing else in sight, an empty desert.
I looked behind me at the cold and dark sea that always drowned me with its freezing sorrows.
When I looked back at the shore, I saw how it extended into an endless stretch of empty dunes, their sandy peaks reaching toward the night sky.
That's what also caught my attention next.

The haunting stillness hung in the air surrounding me, it was only interrupted by the distant waves of the sea of woe.
The empty area of the landscape struck me, it was an untroubled solitude that wrapped around me like a lost lullaby. As I let my eyes adjust to the darkness, I noticed a glowing dance along the horizon that outstretched towards me.
Aurora. The bright lights painted the night sky in glowing hues of emerald and indigo, an enchanting display that seemed to bridge the gap between reality and my dream. The ribbons of light swirled and twirled, casting enchanting strokes over the empty lands of sand. 
As I stood on the shore, just witnessing the ethereal ballet above. 

I could feel the cold sea breeze kissing my cheeks, and the sand beneath my feet felt cool and grainy. And Auroras painted a cosmic masterpiece above my eyes, weaving its bright glowing dance into the fabric of my dream.
I slowly walked towards the dunes, following the bright dancing lights that entrapped me within the beauty of it. I felt like a moth that was being drawn towards the lamp.
I climbed up the sandy hill, following one of the branches that was connected to Aurora.
As it continued to glow and dance, I heard a faint whisper.
"You're the one." A whisper said in my ear.

I stepped to the side and quickly looked behind me, but no one was even near me. 
"Hello!" I yelled, but only my voice echoed through the empty dunes.
When I stepped forward--I suddenly sunk into the sand. Falling down into the quicksand and into a vast and empty sky.
Falling from the sky as the wind blew past me--I couldn't scream but only fall.

It was my eyes that opened and saved me from the impending impact.
My eyes adjusted to the bright morning that shined through the red curtains. I was careful to sit up in the new bed I was in.
I was big and fluffy. Black and white sheets and white pillows, hardwood flooring, and a few paintings ranging from trees to an old-century London, animals, ships, and forests.
A few dressers remained by the walls, I stood after slipping on the black slippers. . . which oddly looked bigger than yesterday's.
"Y/n, are you awake in there?" Sensei's voice said from the door.
"I'm awake-" I covered my mouth at the tone of it.

My voice sounded deeper, my once gentle melody of a tone, now resonated with an unfamiliar depth. The sound hung in the air, leaving me staring wide-eyed at the realization that my voice had changed somehow overnight.
Even the room felt different--the angles, the proportions--it was as if I had stepped into someone else's body. I looked down at my hands, once small and delicate, now it looked and felt like I held a newfound strength. Confusion etched across my expression as I brought them to my face, feeling the contours of different features.

The weight of the realization settled in as I rose from the bed, my movements felt more assured than ever.
As I slowly stood from the bed, I took hesitant steps, marveling at the unfamiliar sway of my hips and the subtle elegance in my posture. My once petite frame had matured into the curves of womanhood, and my features held a newfound elegance.
How did this happen? Was this another dream inside of a dream, a trick of time, or something beyond my understanding? My heart continued to race faster than a racecar.

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