XI. 𝖨 𝓦𝓪𝓷𝓽 𐌙Ꝋ𐌵 ȶօ ℝ𝔲𐌍

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   We swung our swords so hard that it felt like our arms and legs would fall off and that our lungs and hearts would burst in our chests, but we still couldn't beat Sabito.
Another six months passed. Until one day. . . when we went to face Sabito, he held a real sword.
"After half a year, you've finally got the faces of a man and a woman," Sabito said as he unsheathed his real katana from his left side.

"Today, we will win," Tanjiro swore as we positioned both of our katanas against Sabito.
I have grown better with a katana, and stronger over the last six months--all because of Sensei.
How? He had been visiting me during the late nights.
It surprised me at first, in all honesty--scared me.

It was still a fresh memory to replay in my mind.


The moonlight filtered through the cracks of the door and windows, casting a gentle glow over the room where I was sleeping. The night was silent in Urokodai's home, the only sound was the soft rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze.
I was sleeping peacefully.
Unbeknownst to me or anyone, a small creature snuck into the home.
A small all-white wolf pup padded through the cracked doors and into the room, its paws making almost no sound on the wooden floor.
It was intrigued by the glint of the sheathed katana, the pup tilted its small head--seizing it in its tiny jaws and making a swift escape--accidentally knocking the hilt against the side of the door.
Making a subtle, THNK!

Which woke me up, my eyes opened to see the pup slipping through the doorway with my katana.
Panic and confusion filled me when I noticed my katana was missing.
I crawled onto my feet, trying to keep my movements silent to not alert anyone else in the house--grabbing my red and black kimono. 

The white pup had a headstart, but my need and fear drove me to chase after it.
As I reached the doorway, I caught sight of the tiny intruder in the moonlight. I whispered, "Hey, come back!"

But the pup didn't care about my words, it darted off into the night-covered forest. I hesitated for a second, but chased after it, my bare feet making little sound against the forest floor.
The pursuit led us deeper into the dense woods until we reached a moonlit clearing.
The wolf pup halted, turning to face me with my stolen katana still clutched in its tiny jaws.

I approached cautiously, attempting to coax the pup to return my weapon.
"Come on, little man. Just give it back, please." I whispered. The pup's brown eyes met mine--I jumped forward and snatched the pup off the floor, taking the katana out of the pup's mouth.

"Got ya!"
"You're struggling with a pup, and here I thought you were faster than that." 

My heart skipped a beat as I turned to see Sensei walking out from the shadows.
"Sensei!" I gasped as I set the pup down to run and hug him, "You're here! You're here!"
"I am." He said to me as I stepped back and looked at him.
"How did you know I'd be here? Wait, was this planned? Did you buy a dog for this?" I asked.
"I didn't buy a dog, I just brought Seth," Sensei answered.

I looked at the pup before its white fur melted off like particles of snow that glistened in the moonlight as the size grew and Seth stood upright in front of us.

"Seth!?" I said with surprise, "Y-You're so small?"
". .  Ouch." Seth sighed as he rolled his shoulders.
"Wait, what's all of this for?" I inquired as I rushed and hugged Seth who hugged my back.
"To help, we see you struggling. We're going to help train you with speed and precision with a blade, that is why I sent Seth to fetch your katana."
"Oh. . ." I murmured.
"Now, come with me. We'll begin with stretches."

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