2 | Irene's back

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  My eyes narrowed, my fingernails digging into the wood of the picnic table. What the hell was Jaemin doing talking to my Karina? My anger ten-folded when she smiled gently at him, seemingly thanking him for something.

  Well, now I know who's next to go. She turned around, making my eyes go back to normal and my hands innocently in my lap. "Hey, guys," her soft voice greeted us as she sat beside me. I sent her a smile.

  Fuck, she was so beautiful. Even when it was obvious she had been crying for hours. I hate that I was the reason, but it had to be done. I needed Aeri gone, or, well, not in the picture, as for right now. She'll be gone soon enough.

  I wasn't paying attention to anything Wes was saying, my eyes never left Karina. Her slim hand came up to tuck a piece of her long, black hair behind her ear. Her dark green eyes were downcast, looking at Mark.

  Soon, Haechan and Yeji came, and I could have sworn I saw Yeji glare at Karina. God, I couldn't wait to kill all of them. Then it could just be me and Karina. Just how it should be.

  I wasn't stupid to think she'd be okay with all of this, but she wouldn't have a choice. She'd grow to love me, I knew that much. The conversation somehow found it's way back to Aeri, as it seemed it always did.

  Aeri was one of my closest friends, and I cared for her, I wouldn't lie. But she's gotten too close to Karina. Karina was mine. Not Jaemin's, not Aeri's, not even fucking Haechan's. I would do what had to be done, besides, though I knew I cared, I felt nothing but sick satisfaction as I plunged that blade so deep into Aeri's stomach.

  Karina's eyes suddenly widened at the conversation everyone else was having, and she got that look I knew meant she was starting to get freaked out. Instinctively, I reached out my hand to grab her thigh. Instantly, she calmed down, turning her head to look towards me.

  "Hey," I spoke softly. "It's okay. You're brother is going to be fine, alright?" I rubbed my thumb across her jean-clad thigh soothingly.

  Jeno would be fine. I just needed to get Karina under control, make sure she would do everything I told her to. I wasn't a monster, I wouldn't hurt a child. But if she proved to not listen, and the threat wasn't working, I'd have no choice but to go after her parents.

  She cared for them enough to listen.

  Even though Karina had calmed down, my hand never left her thigh.


  It hurt me seeing Aeri laying in that hospital bed. I approached her and sat down on the left side of her, grabbing her hand into mine. "Aeri—"

  "Nope." She cut me off instantly, waving her free hand. "Don't say it, Rina. There was nothing you could have done. Okay? The killer would have most certainly hurt you, if not kill you."

"I'm not so sure about that, Aeri," I let out a laugh and raised my arm up, flexing it. There was nothing to flex, but I was imagining there was. "Look at my muscles. I could take down any ghostface."

 "Hell yeah you could, Rina." Haechan gave me a high five. I dropped my hands back into my lap. I went to talk, but I was stopped by the sound of the door opening. I turned my head, my eyes widening as I saw Irene walk through the door.

  Everyone stood up, excluding me. Irene knelt down beside Aeri and placed her hand on her younger sisters arm. "How are you feeling?"

  Aeri ignored the question, and instead, said; "you came."

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