5 | Killer's Daughter

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As Key walked in, my eyes widened in shock. I'm not sure who I was expecting, but it definitely wasn't him. I leaned over to Winter, who was sitting right beside me. "Oh, Taeyeon's definitely coming."

"Ooh, suspects!" Mrs. Meeks walked into the room, carrying a tray of snacks. She sat in down on the coffee table, and I immediately reached over to grab a handful of popcorn and M & M's. "My brother would be so proud!"

"Hey, Martha." Key smiled as the woman straightened up.

"Key!" She hugged him, patting his back before she pulled away. "Hi! You look. . ." She trailed off, looking for a positive word, but came up with nothing. Key nodded, and she copied his actions. "How's the wife?"

"Okay, mom, we're good." Haechan interrupted. "Thank you."

"All right, kids. Have fun." As she walked out of the room, she pointed to of her fingers at her eyes, and then pointed it at Haechan and Yeji. Haechan sent her a thumbs up in response.

"I asked Ning to call everyone here, and texted a few of you, because there's something I have to tell you."

"So let me get this straight, you're saying that your the daughter of Billy Loomis, and that what, one of us is the killer?" Asked Haechan, looking around the room.

"The killer told me he knew my secret. He attacked Aeri to lure me back here." Said Irene. "But then why immediately go and murder some douche-nozzle that was stalking Yeji and someone from our school?"

"And why does it have to be one of us?" Mark spoke up. "What about Deputy Key here? Maybe he's the killer. No offense."

"None taken." Key shifted in his seat. "But what's my motive?" The man actually looked curious.

"You got stabbed a billion times, got dumped by your famous wife, and crawled into a bottle. I think it's safe to say your on the suspect list."

"Well, maybe you're the killer." Key countered. "Because that cut deep." "That douche-nozzle is connected. I googled him. His mom is Leslie Macher. Stu Machers sister." Winter held her phone loosely in her hand.

"Who's Stu Macher?" Yeji asked, and I could've sworn Winter sent her a heated glare. "He's Billy Loomis' accomplice. A real loony tune." Key answered.

"Okay, but then what about Jaemin? He wasn't related at all, yet he still died." I looked around the group, waiting for an answer.

"Maybe he just pissed them off,"  Winter shrugged, causing me to accept the answer and sit back. "Okay, okay." Irene spoke. "So the first three attacks are all on people related to the original killers."

Ning's mouth dropped open. "Oh, my god. He's making a requel!"

"A what?"

"Or a legacyquel. Fans are torn on the terminology."

"God," Haechan sighed. "Please speak English."

"Okay. Remember the stab movie that came out last year?"

Yeji gasped. "Oh, yeah! The one the knives out guy directed? You know, I actually really liked that one."

Ning stared at her blankly. "Of course you did. You have terrible taste."

Yeji's eyes narrowed. "I hate you."

"The point is, the hard-core stab fans hated it. You go on 4chan and dreadit, all they're talking about is how stab eight pissed on their childhoods. How they crammed in social services just to make it elevated. How the main characters a Mary Sue."

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