Thanksgiving and Pumpkin Pie

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⁘¨¨•••Happy Reading•••¨¨⁘


Wilsea is one of the cities located in the northern part of the American continent. This city is very beautiful, serene, and peaceful. Many Americans or tourists choose to vacation in this place. It is a small town that has a variety of tourist attractions from beaches, plantations, and farms, to villas that directly face the beautiful mountain scenery.

Joseph's eyes stare straight ahead cleaning up the fallen leaves in his yard, given that it is already the turn of the fall season. From a distance Joseph saw several vehicles and tourist buses passing by, indicating that there would be a celebration this month.

Ting... Ting...

A calendar notification was displayed on his cell phone. There was a date marked November 23. 'Ah, in two weeks, thanksgiving, yeah...' Joseph thought as he wondered what his mother would cook for this celebration.

Joseph or more fully Joseph Hall was a 27-year-old young man who worked as a self-employed man opening a bakery in the town square. Although this bakery is still relatively new, his bakery is very popular with various groups of children, teenagers, and even adults. Because Wilsea was a relatively small town, most of the people who lived in the town knew each other.

"Lol, Jo... Why are you still here and not at the store?" asked Eliza, Joseph's mother who had just returned from buying groceries at the market. Eliza Hall was a single mother left behind by the man who had impregnated her. Even so, Eliza loved Joseph dearly and would do anything to make Joseph's life more comfortable.

Joseph, who heard that his mother had just returned from the market, immediately picked up his mother's groceries. "Today is the 100th day, Ma... I'm closing the shop for the holidays," he replied while arranging the groceries on the dining table. She always closed her bakery on the 100th day to take a break from the stress of her work.

"Oh, yes. I forgot...."

"Guess! Guess! I ran into Anna earlier... Jax's mom, your best friend," Eliza said.

"Oh, yes..."

"Yes. Mama also invited her and Jax to celebrate Thanksgiving together, but they refused"

Joseph who heard that just fell silent. Usually, thanksgiving was a very special celebration for Jax and his family. Because Jax's grandparents are still descendants of the original Indian tribe which makes this Thanksgiving celebration more special in his family, sometimes they invited Joseph and Eliza to celebrate together. But this year was even more different as Sikya's grandmother passed away on November 23rd. 'Is Jax still grieving?' Joseph thought.

"Jo, maybe during the celebration you should accompany Jax. Poor him..." Eliza's comment broke his reverie.

"Yes, Maa..."


A few days after Eliza's talk, Joseph went to Jax's house along with some of their group friends. There was Ryan, Grace, and Alina, who were best friends from childhood. Ryan worked as a bank teller, Grace worked as a food caterer, and Alina worked as a pre-school teacher. The four of them wanted to see Jax's current condition.

Knock... Knock... Knock...

"Excuse me, Aunt Anna..."

"Hello, excuse me...?" said Joseph politely as he knocked on the door of Jax's family home.

"Oh, long time no see kids," said Anna who greeted him with her motherly face.

"Hello, auntie" greeted the four of them simultaneously.

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