Chapter One

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I was humming, walking on my hands. Normally I wouldn't be going anywhere, just going wherever my feet, or hands, took me. But this time I was going to a fabric store. Threads and Needles, it was called. I had found a pair of mittens while I was on my way here, but they were wearing out.

I needed something to cover my talons, so I wouldn't hurt anyone or scare anyone. I also didn't want to be seen as a threat to the Fangs. I would make something that would last longer than the mittens.

As I walked into the store, I hopped to my feet and looked around. A bell rang and the door shut. It was a cozy atmosphere and made me feel safe. Not a Fang was in sight. It almost made you forget about the scaly green creatures. Almost.

Someone came up to me, “hello, you're that newcomer, yes?” She asked. She had black hair in a braid, vaguely familiar.

I nodded, “mats te, that's me.” I corrected myself quickly. I'd actually been in Glipwood for a while, but no one really saw me. Or payed attention to me.

“What are you looking for? Can I help you?” She looked at my hands, covered in the faded and almost torn mittens, a confused look came over her face but it suddenly disappeared, back to her cheerful expression. Cheerful as could be, anyways. Fangs took away our joy.

“I wanted to sake mocks, make socks.” I was embarrassed by my speech, but I had to get used to it. I wasn't in the right sense most of the time. Speech was messed up, I would mistake objects for people, and just act unnatural.

“I'll bring you over to the fabric section, and I'll get a book for you, or maybe you can find a book at Books and Crannies.” I nodded as she led me to the west part of the store.

I bumped into a hat stand, and quickly rushed, “sorry sir.” Then skipped to the woman, “what's your name?” I was sure I saw her before. Before I came to Glipwood. Before the Fangs came. The times that now seem like a fantasy.  

It took her a while to respond, “Nia Igiby.” She looked away. I had to control myself, I wanted to scream, to tell her I was sorry. Tell her who I was.

I held it in painfully, but memories of Esben kept flooding in, Nia laughing with him. And me joining in.

I fell to my knees and my mitten covered talons gripped my head. I saw Nia holding a one year old Janner, then it changed to Kalmar. Last one was Leeli… sweet little Leeli.

Nia held her out for me to hold. I had accepted, and I looked into the little girl's face. She smiled and gurgled, a laugh.

“Protect, protect, protect, I didn't protect. But I will, I will.” I murmured. I looked up to see her concerned face.

I must've looked devastated, I felt devastated. Terribly devastated. Hopefully she hadn't heard anything.

“Are you ok?” She helped me up, and my mitten almost came off. I quickly pulled it up and nodded, not saying anything.

“Ok then. Here's some fabric, the needles and some thread are right there,” she pointed out the materials. I nodded and grabbed a bunch, giving her some money I had got from helping on my way to Glipwood.

She smiled, “thanks, this will help me.” I nodded back and turned towards the exit.

I headed to the door then looked back, “do you have children?” I choked out. I had to know, were they all here?

“Yes. Three.” She looked at the floor. I almost gave a sigh of relief, they were safe. For now.

“How old are they?” I asked, my voice barely a whisper.

“Five, three, and two.” She looked heartbroken. She looked at the floor, "they're healthy and growing."

“Is the father still here?” this was a risky question, I could break out into a panic attack, I could hurt someone.

“No, he died in the Great War.” That was it. I quickly said sorry and rushed out before anything could happen.

I was breathing fast as I rushed to the woods, to my castle. I would drop the fabric stuff off then I'd go buy a book. Books and Crannies? Hopefully my mind would clear a bit. That the atmosphere in the bookstore would calm me.

I found one of the vines and grabbed a hold of it. I was now on a sturdy branch on the tree.

Arm full of the supplies, I walked to the bridges and in no time ended up at my house. I smiled as I walked in, and I dropped off the stuff. I would need to go get that book from the book store. I had never made a sock in my life.

I looked around at the stuffy shack. Stuff all over the place, but I never thought to actually organize anything. Maybe someday.

Maybe when I felt better. But only the Maker knows when that will happen.

My mind drifted back to Nia. She had been working. We're the kids ok? Who was watching them? Podo? Was he ok? Why did I care if he was ok?

Too many questions and not enough answers. I hopped back off of my castle and headed towards the town again.

I had been zoned out, and was suddenly at the bridge. As I crossed it, I watched a Fang snarl at a passerby. I snarled back, and I quickly covered my mouth. But it was too late.

It whipped its scaly green head towards me. Its purple tongue flicked out and it sneered. It ran towards me, spear ready to thrust through my body.

The Sockman: an Artham Wingfeather fanfic(Paused)Where stories live. Discover now