Chapter 24

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Warning: This is not my story. It is from RiverWriter on ao3.


Draco clenched his fingers against the seat of his chair to resist chasing after Hermione as he tried to determine how he actually felt about what had just happened.

He had to admit that she was right about one thing. While he didn't think he was in any danger of actually going to Azkaban for his actions, he could also admit that he probably hadn't done his reputation any favors. He'd recognized many of the aurors present during his confrontation with Weasley, and none of them had been friendly faces. But he'd been too busy taunting (enjoying taunting) Weasley to consider the consequences for either himself or his family.

And that was another thing Hermione had gotten right. Because that's exactly how he'd behaved at Hogwarts. It was a personae he'd worked hard to leave behind, and yet he'd slipped so easily back into it. And for that, if nothing else, he felt a great sense of shame.

His thoughts were interrupted by his little cousin Teddy. "Nana, can I go with Aunt Hermione?"

Draco glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw that the kid had stood up, and was glancing at him every few seconds looking none too happy. He heard Andromeda let out a slight chuckle.

"I don't think she'd mind your company but if she says 'no' you come right back, don't pester her."

"I wouldn't do that," Teddy responded, his voice so indignant that it almost made Draco smile.

"Alright then love," Andromeda answered, and Draco could hear the smile in her voice.

Teddy ran off, wrenching the door to the room open and then slamming it closed behind him.

"Draco, what are you doing? Are you really just going to let that woman leave here with your heir?" His father intoned, filling the resulting silence.

His heir.

That's what Scorpius was to his father, just like Draco was Lucius' heir. That was their primary value to the older wizard. He knew that his father loved Scorpius in his own way, but it wasn't the way that Draco wished for his son to be loved by his grandfather. Draco pinched the bridge of his nose between this thumb and forefinger and allowed himself a minute to gather himself before he looked up and met his father's eyes with a hard glare.

"Yes Father, I think Scorpius made it perfectly clear that he wanted to go with his mother."

"That- Miss Granger is not his mother," Draco's mother objected.

"Then who his?" Draco challenged, hesitating before switching his gaze to Narcissa. Unlike when he was small, it was much more difficult for him to argue with his mother than it was his father. "The woman who gave birth to him? The one who barely held him after his was born, never wanted or loved him, not to mention me!" He took a deep breath, in through his nose and out through his mouth. "Did that fact ever bother you at all, or were you really just satisfied that I made an acceptable match?"

"Draco!" His mother gasped, she looked truly affronted but he didn't know if it was due to the accusation itself, or because he'd dared speak to her in such a way.

He held out a hand to forestall her saying anything else. "No, nevermind, I don't want to know. Here's the thing though," he continued, looking back and forth between his parents, "that's the next Lady Black who just left with our son. It's a done deal in my mind, and if you couldn't tell, in Scorpius' mind as well. Hell, I'd draw up a betrothal contract right now if I didn't think she'd kick my arse from here to Hogwarts for it. Which means that she will be the mother of any future grandchildren you have as well. You need to start getting used to that, we've already moved in together, it's only going to get more serious from here."

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