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I was in the bathroom applying the last touches to my makeup. A pair of arms suddenly snaked around my waist.  "You don't need that stuff, Olivia." Luke whispered in my ear. 

"I don't even have that much on."  I state while cleaning up the few make up items I had set on the bathroom counter. 

"You look beautiful without it," he kissed below my ear. I giggle and push him off turning around to face him. "So, exactly where are we going?" I ask wrapping my arms around his neck.

"There's a carnival in town and I thought I would take you to it." He blushed looking down at me. Luke towered over my small frame. I had to crane my neck to look up at him. "Really, do they have a ferris wheel?" I ask getting excited. 

"I don't know guess we have to find out." he poked my cheek and walked out of the bathroom towards the front door. I follow behind him grabbing a small sweater off the coat rack before exiting our apartment. 

Luke grabs my hand leading me to the passenger side of the car. He opens the door for me and I slide in. He runs to his side quickly getting in and pulling out go the driveway. The whole ride to the carnival Luke keeps my hand in his. 


"What do you want to do first, Liv?" Luke slides his hand around my waist. "Can we play some games first?" I ask looking up at him. 

"Sure, what ever you want." Luke leads us over to a small stand. He hands the carny the amount of tickets need to play the game. 

"Knock down all the pins in one shot and you get whatever prize you want." the man informs us. I watch as Luke aims the ball before tossing it. I really want the giant koala. Luke throws the ball and hits all the pins knocking them to the floor. I scream and hug him pointing towards the giant bear. 

"Thank you so much." I stand on my tip toes and peck Luke's cheek. We walk over to a food stand and buy some cotton candy. We sit down at a small table and share the snack. I look at Luke and giggle. 

"What? Whats so funny, Olivia?" he questions me. I point at his nose laughing harder. "You have cotton candy  stuck to your nose." Luke blushes and quickly wipes his nose grabbing the cotton candy. 

"Can we go on the ferris wheel?" Luke asks. "Yeah, sure." I smile. We walk over to the line for the ferris wheel and I start jumping up and down. 

"Im excited I haven't been on a ferris wheel since I was eight." I gaze up at the giant ride. 

"Really?" I look over at him and nod my head. We get in the small cart and start moving upwards. I gaze over the side of the cart looking down at all the people. They start to get smaller and smaller. Once we were at the top the ride came to a stop. Everything looked so beautiful under the night sky. 

"Wow, this is gorgeous." I smile down at the city light. I turn back around to see Luke staring at me.

"Yeah, it is." He leans closer and connects our lips. My hands reach up and tangle themselves in his hair. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him. The ride than makes a loud thump causing Luke to jump away from me. 

"The ferris wheel just started moving again relax." I giggled while fixing the hairs I caused to go out of place on his head. 

"I know it just scared me." He laughed while blushing. I grabbed his hand and entertained our fingers. 

"I love you." I say looking into his eyes. 

"I love you too, Olivia."  He gives me a soft peck on the lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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