Chapter 1

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Alarm blasting in my ear and some one shaking me up from slumber. "Wake the fuck up swamp rat" Madison yells me before pushing on the ground "Ow! What the hell?!" I say holding my head "that's what happens when you let your alarm blast and wake me up from my beauty sleep" she says while walking out of my room.

I check my phone and see it's only 8:30, I don't have to leave until 9:30 so I take a shower and get ready for work. After I'm done I go and make coffee then sit on the couch for a while, "hey misty" Violet says in a sleepy voice "hey vi" I say not looking up at her.

I live with my 3 roommates Madison the bitchy one, violet the sweet one, and Kyle violets boyfriend but he's nice to me just not Madison.

I look at my phone and it's 9:10 shit i think to myself before placing down my mug and run out the door into my car and start heading for work. Once I'm there I get greeted by my friend queeny. "You almost didn't make it" she says looking at the clock "I know, if I was late again John will be on my ass" I say rolling my eyes and clock in for work.


work goes by slow as normal, while I was on break Marilyn asked if I could get a other table. "What I just got on break?" I tell her "I know but Alex had an emergency so he had to leave really fast" "and she looks pretty hot too" she said winking at me. I groan and get up grabbing my notebook and pen from my apron getting ready for the women's order.

"Hello my name is Misty, I will be your sever what may you order be?" I say to the order women "just a black coffee" she say looking up at me. Oh God..she's gorgeous.. i think to myself, "ofc I'll be right back with your coffee" I say walking away fast. "So?" "Oh God she's really hot Marilyn" I say smiling like a little girl "I told you!" She said laughing at my smile.

I go back and give her the black coffee before walking away, I'm behind the counter watching her drink the coffee with no problem without any sugar in it, then I see a other older blonde look around before setting her eyes on the lady sitting down. I get my notepad out again and walk over to there table seeing if she waits anything, "hello ma'am wou-" "no I wouldn't" she says cutting me off "Mom!" The other blonde tells her "I'm sorry you have to forgive my mother, she's not very good with people" she says with a smile.

"No problem" I say smiling back I know I look so goofy right now but I don't care
" I'll take another black coffee and here's my card to pay for the coffees" she says handing me a silver card. I take the card while order another coffee, and go back handing her the coffee and card.

A few minutes pass by and I over hear them arguing about something "you need to leave him Cordelia" the much older blonde says. Cordelia? That's her name..very pretty.." "it's not that simple mother" Cordelia tells her mother "ugh he's going to ruin you and you know it" she scolds her daughter. "Yes mother I understand" and with that Cordelia and her mother both get up and start to leave, I walk other to the table and clean up and I notice a $50 dollar bill sitting on the table with a note attached.

Sorry for my mother, I hope you can forgive us by this and hoping to see you again tomorrow:).

I blushed at this little note stop blushing.  You don't even know her and you already like her... I think to myself before cleaning the table and taking more order then going home for the day.

A new story so I hope y'all like it.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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