Mr,Scars X observer

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Mr. Scars was currently sat at one end of his bed, arms crossed. He wasn't the only one there, Observer was in the room too, on the opposite end of the bed.

Scars was choosing to ignore Observer though, pointedly staring at the ground and trying not to think about the fight they'd just had. He wasn't doing a very good job.

It didn't help that the after-effects of it were still fresh. His breath, that he was trying to catch, was still heavy and ragged. His throat felt almost raw from yelling, and shamefully enough also from trying to stop himself from crying, the lump that had choked him up earlier wasn't completely gone.

He was also kind of sore, since this was one of the rare altercations that had gotten physical. It hadn't been too bad, there weren't any major injuries. They did both have some bruises and scratches, however.

He rubbed at a particularly nasty bruise on his arm as he started tearing up a little at a memory of one of the things that had been said to him. Of course, as soon as he noticed he was doing this he roughly rubbed his eyes, mentally berating himself as he pulled his knees to his chest.

Observer wasn't faring much better, honestly. Anger was ebbing away far too slowly, and he could feel himself still shaking a little from it.

Despite this though, the adrenaline from earlier was wearing off, and he didn't have the energy in him to get the fight going again. He also knew there wouldn't be much point, arguing with Scars was like trying to talk to a brick wall, it would be better if he just did his best to let it go.

Coming down from his rage induced high also meant that the pain from the hits he'd sustained was much clearer now, one side of his ribs in particular was throbbing pretty badly.

Of course, he'd felt worse. Bruises and scratches were far more tolerable than broken bones and lacerations, the Keeper made sure he knew that much. He wouldn't be bothered by the pain he was feeling if it weren't for who caused it. Scars was the one who'd hit him, who had decided to escalate things after refusing to back down and listen to reason.

As far as Observer was concerned, all of this was the other rook's fault. He was the one who started it, and then got so damn hurt when the one he'd provoked had decided to fight back.

Scars wasn't the one who had decided to start fighting dirty, bringing in personal things usually left untouched. That didn't matter though, because he'd been the one who'd started the fight in the first place, and Observer was completely allowed to get a little personal if it meant defending himself.

Besides, Scars was the one who had went too far. Sure, Observer had insulted the other member's cousin, but that didn't give him permission to start slandering the Keeper like he had. And then he'd had the gall to get even more mad when this upset Observer, as if that hadn't clearly been his goal.

Plus, as was previously mentioned, Scars was the one who'd decided to get physical. They could have easily kept this as a minor altercation, a shouting match, but that scarred sack of shit had felt the need to get violent.

Observer had been tempted to go for some of Scars' known weak points while fighting back, the stitches in his throat in particular. He hadn't though, because as mad as he'd been, possibly killing the other didn't sound like a good idea. He'd had enough foresight in him to know it'd be something he'd regret.

Scars hadn't been as courteous, however. He landed a good few of his blows in areas that were still tender from semi-recent punishments, some in wounds that could have reopened and started bleeding if they'd been hit harder. And sure, no real damage had been done, but it could have been, and that was the point.

Observer felt a harsh throb of pain, and with it came a fresh wave of anger.

He dared to sneak a glance over at Scars, to see how the other seemed to be dealing with this. He tried to be discreet about it though, not yet ready to catch his colleague's attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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