✨Silly lil,TwelfthTribe tweets✨

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Watch out for that FENCE RAIL kiddos! This here ain't no keyword. That's all I have 2 say 'bout that.~F

Noah responds:the fuck get the hell off my account

The twitter is hijacked: Like don't mind me man Im just talking to the fans hahaha You don't post much here anyway lol sup everyone hows it going fam

Noah responds:

go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away

The twitter is hijacked: I'm afraid I can't do that, Noah 😏😜😘

Noah responds: take your fucking emojis and leave me and my account alone you annoying shit

The twitter is hijacked:

ℹ️'〽 ⚡️⭕️®®🌱, ↩️🅾️📧💰 ✝️♓️ℹ️⚡️ Ⓑ🅾️✝️♓️📧® 🌱⭕️⛎ 🅰️✝️ 🅰️🕒🕒❓4

Noah responds: i want to die

The twitter is hijacked:

✝️⭕️🅾️ Ⓑ🅰️↩️. 🕒⭕️🆗⚡️ 🕒ℹ️Ⓚ📧 ⭕️⛎'®📧 ⛽️⭕️📈📈🅰️ 🕒ℹ️♈️📧, Ⓑℹ️✝️©♓️. Ⓑ⛎©Ⓚ🕒📧 ✝️♓️📧 Ⓕ⛎©Ⓚ ⛎🅿️.5

Noah responds: despite all of the terrible shit that has happened to me in the past seven years, having a twitter conversation on my own account with somebody speaking to me in emoji characters is by far the absolute worst thing that has happened

The twitter is hijacked: Well you still have trails yet to complete so I guess we'll see about that 😭Until then, ♓️🅰️🅿️🅿️🌱 Ⓑℹ️®✝️♓️↩️🅰️🌱, 🌱🅾️⛎ ♍️ℹ️💰📧®🅰️Ⓑ🕒📧 ✝️®⭕️⛽️🕒🅾️↩️🌱✝️📧❗️ 😘😘😘🖕6

Noah responds:

current mood 

Noah's Twitter is some of the funniest shit ever💀💀💀💀 I💓Firebrand

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Noah's Twitter is some of the funniest shit ever💀💀💀💀 I💓Firebrand

SlenderVerse/CandleVerse(One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now