a/n + 01

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A/N: Story credits to: @lilymlily7

Instead of using the real title which is Fuckgirl, I decided to change it as Player since it is more suitable.

I also changed some parts of it, just... A mini tiny little thingy..

No One's POV

Karina didn't know about her that made those players desperately attracted to her. Every single guy that she dated was the definition of a player and a fuckboy from the way they talked to the way they dressed.

Is it that hard to find just a one nice guy?

Karina sighed, she continued her job behind the counter of a popular ice cream corner that people liked to go. Youngers one mainly. It was the one expect of her life that she couldn't complain about considering the good pay and she got to work with her best friends Giselle and Ningning.

The bell rang above the entrance as she was cleaning up any stray toppings that had spilled from their container. "Hi. What can i do get you today?"

"I'd like you to go please."

Speaking of players...

"What do you want Minjeong?"

"To take you to the beach late at night so we can walk under the stars and talk for hour."

Karina paused at the statement and turned around to look at the person who had completely serious look on her face. "Really?"

"Really." The brunette wasn't sure of how to respond to the first non perverted thing Winter had said to her. "Then we can go back to my place and explore each other's bodies, and I can wake up to you naked in the sunlight. That's what I really want."

"You're annoying," Karina sneered.

"And you're cute."

Karina leaned against the counter to stare into Winter's annoyingly beautiful eye. "If you aren't going to order anything realistic then just go."

"Fine." Winter relented. "I want some vanilla ice cream with chocolate, whipped cream and few cherries."


Winter flashed her charming smile. "That tastes really good on people too."

Karina just rolled her eyes and put the vanilla ice cream in a bowl with Winter's desired toppings – added a spoon — and slid the bowl over to her. "Here."

"Thank you." Winter grabbed one of the cherries off of her ice cream and seductively sucked on it while maintaining eye contact with Karin. The girl popped the whole thing in her mouth before pulling out the perfectly twisted stem. "Delicious."

Karina would be lying if she said she didn't feel anything at all. In fact her throat had become dry in a mater of seconds and her mind couldn't seem to ignore the fact that Winter apparently had a skilled tongue to make such a perfect bow. She wanted to give her props for finally seducing her with something but instead all that came out to her mouth was...

"You disgust me."

Winter let out a frustrated sigh and shifted her weight.  "Why do you have to be so difficult?"

"Me?" Karina pointed to herself in disbelief. "I'm difficult?"

"Yes!" Winter exclaimed.

"Maybe I wouldn't be so difficult if you weren't trying to get in my pants in all time!"

"Maybe if you would just let me inside of your pants already I wouldn't have to try! Any other girl would fall into the palm of my hand in a matter of seconds!"

Karina felt her face turn red in anger and could've sworn that steam blew out of her ears like in a cartoon. "Who do you think you are? First of all, I'm not any other girls. Second, there must be something you like about me or else you would've given up now. Third, not every girls is into you!"

"You're cute when you're angry," Winter smiled.

"Oh my-" Karina stomped her foot out of frustration "You're unbelievable!"

"That's how you like me." Winter gave her a wink before pulling money out of her pocket and laying it on the counter. "See you around honey."

Karina glared holes in the back of Winter's head as she walked out of the door with a smug grin on her face. That's how she liked her?  She couldn't even stand her!

All Winter was just another player.

- - - - -

"Can you believe her?" Karina slammed her locker shut and turned to her two best friends. "I'm the difficult one? She's the one who runs around with her stupid pick up lines, sleeping around and seductively liking cherries!"

Ningning eyebrows furrowed. "Cherries?"

"Never mind," Karina said, waving it off with her hand.

It's had been two days since she had last seen Winter and was still angry at the girl for even suggestion– no- saying that she liked her and then... No, that was it.

"I've never seen you this upset about thing." Giselle said.

Ningning looked over Karina's shoulder where she saw Winter walking down the hallway with her eyes strictly focused on Karina. "She's about to get even more upset."

"Why?" Karina asked.

"Sweetheart!" Winter wrapped her arms around Karina from behind and placed a kiss on the side of her neck. "I hate it when we fight. Forgive me?"

"Get off of me!" Karina shoved the girl's arm off of her and turned around to glare at her. "We normally don't fight until you start acting like a her who thinks she can have anyone she wants."

Winter turned her attention to Giselle and gave her signature smile. "That hair looks really nice on you. It really compliments that little sparkle in your eyes."

Giselle face lit up like a Christmas tree. She twirled the end of her hair. "You think my eyes sparkle?"

"Yes they do. Just like Ningning's smile."

Ningning gasped, "Really?"

"Guys," Karina scolded. She turned back to Winter who had a smug look on her face. "You win this round."

Karina stormed past her followed by Ningning who was quick to check on her best friend. Giselle stepped a little bit closer to Winter. "Is there anything else you've noticed about me?"

Winter placed her hand on the small of Giselle's back and pulled her closer. "Of course, baby."

The moment was interrupted by Karina and Ningning who had stormed back to each take one Giselle's hands and pull her behind them.

"Jealous," Winter called after Karina.

"Fuck off!"

PLAYER [WINRINA]Where stories live. Discover now