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Karina's POV

I couldn't take it anymore! One more day without flirty comment from Winter and I will literally going to explode. I won't go up to her and directly tell her that I missed hearing compliments, arguing, and having someone to roll my eyes at. I didn't need her arrogance to grow higher, although I highly doubted that it was possible.

"Winter, I need to talk to you." I sat in the desk in front of hers while waiting for her to acknowledge me but she didn't. She just drew a Rocket on her notebook. "Winter, please."

She let out a huff and leaned back in her seat to give me an annoyed look. "What do you want?"

"Uhh, I just want to say that..."


"I forgive you."

"You forgive me? You forgive ME??" Winter let out a heavy sigh, disbelief. She looked at me as if I were unreal. "You're the one who went on some rant calling me annoying and saying how we were never going to happen. I'm the one who should forgive you!"

"In my defense, you had it coming. Not everyone wants to be greeted with ‘hey baby. How about we ditch this place and go somewhere a little more private? Unless a public place is your thing.’ " I imitated her infamous wink. "But it's okay now because I forgive you."

"Will you stop saying that when you're the one who's the wrong one? And what are you smiling about?"

I didn't realize it but I did in fact have a smile on my face. Sitting there going back and forth with Winter exactly what I craved the most. It was a relief to hear her voice again even if she wasn't shamelessly trying to pick me up. I just wanted to hear her. I wasn't going to tell her that though.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. If it'll make you feel better, the Winter, I'm s-" The word became lodge in my throat. "I'm so-"

Winter cocked an eyebrow and smiled at my misery. "You're what?"

"I'm trying to say I'm sor... I'm sor..." Curse my ability to not be able to apologized. It's just I'm rarely- I'm taking super duper extra rare- that I'm wrong. "I'm sorry."

"I accept your awful attempt an apology" Winter smiled at me.

"Cherish it because I promise it'll be the first and last that will happened."

I went back to my seat trying not to show that I was doing back flips in happiness. Inside on me that the fact that things would finally go back to the way they are. My life could gain it's balance back. I looked over at Winter who smirked at me and then turned her attention back to her drawing.

Oh, thanks god.


I happily run over to Giselle and Ning at the cafeteria with the biggest smile on my face. "Guess what? Winter and I are officially talking again!" I jumped up and down, squealing in delight.

"For someone who hates Winter, you surely do like her," Ningning said.

"That's because she's the key to what makes my life normal. I mean, I won't be completely thrilled about her lame attempts to sleep with me but whatever."

"I don't think that going to be happen anymore." Giselle had a grin on her face that didn't seem slightly genuine to me.

"Whoa," Ningning exclaimed. "What's with the sudden hostility?"

"I'm not being hostile!" Giselle took a deep breath when she realized her tone was in fact a hostile. "I'm just saying that I don't think Winter is going to like her again."

"I do" I said.

"I don't"

"Well I think she will." I snapped, growing frustrated at her.

"Well I don't think she will, I know she won't." She fired back.

"You're right about one of those things." I muttered loud enough for her to hear me.

"Will you two please stop arguing?" Ningning asked

"We aren't arguing" I insisted.
"We're just having a discussion."

"A pretty intense one."

"I'm just curious Aeri," I said her name as if it were some infectious disease. "Why don't you so certain that she don't want me to be with?"

"She won't like to be with you because she's with me."

All of sudden I felt like the entire world had stopped. I waited for her to smile and tell the me the reason why, the way that Giselle normally would, but she didn't.

"Winter?" My stunned state was quickly replaced with anger and betrayal. "You're dating my Winter?"

"Your Winter?" Giselle suddenly shot up from her chair looking at me with murderous eyes. If it weren't for Ningning, who held a tight grip on her waist, I'm certain that Giselle would've attacked me. "The same Winter that you spent years rejecting because she'll be like all of your creepy exes? That Winter?"

I leaned in closer to look at her dead in the eyes. "She like me first, you're nothing but a second choice!"

"Yeah. But look who gets to date her first." She sneered.  I could feel my cave turning redder and redder.

"You didn't even like her!"

"Neither did you!" She shot back, "You only like her because she doesn't even like you anymore, Yoo Jimin! Even if she decided that she wanted to date you, you'd be with her after me. Now, who's the second choice?"

"Guys.." We both looked at Ningning who alerted the audience were had gathered from going louder than intended.

"Fuck you," I hissed.

"Why? Cause Winter doesn't want you anymore?"

Not only Giselle stabbed me in the back, But she actually had the decency to rip the knife out of and shove it in my heart instead. I stormed out of the cafeteria feeling as if the world was closing in all around me.

It literally didn't make any sense. I might felt slightly attracted to Winter every now and then however it was never anything that made me feel the way I currently did. It did explained the crushed feeling as had and why it bothered me way too much that I didn't have her attention anymore. Oh lord.

I think I love that stupid Winter.

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