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Karina's POV

"Chaewon, don't you think Winter and I would be perfect together?"

"Not really,"

I punched her at her arm with a frown plastered on my face. We were aimlessly wondering around the mall seeing that we didn't have to work and most of the people we knew were busy.

"You don't know what you're talking about anyway. The only reason why did you disagree is because you're the Winter in your situation with Jennifer and that Minju girl."

Chaewon rolled her eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you that her name is Yunjin?"

"If her name is Yunjin, what do you want? Her lips?"

It was her turn to hit me in the shoulder, clearly unamused with my joke. "Ouch! It's true!"

"I'll have you know that I'm perfectly happy with Yunjin. Minju and I are just friends."

"With benefits.." I coughed. Chaewon became fed up with my jokes and walked away from me with her annoyed looks. "Oh, don't be like that! I'm just joking you know."

I quickly caught up with her and walked along with her hurried pace. "I won't tell you jokes anymore. Cross my heart"

"Your nonexistent heart?" I hit her chest. "Fuc- why can't I tell jokes and you can?"

"Because I'm funnier than you." I said sounding sarcastically.

"Because I'm funnier than you." She mocked as she rolls her eyes.

We went back and forth mocking each other until she suddenly yanked me behind a display. "What are you doing?"

"Winter and Giselle at twelve o'clock." She whispered.

I understand the Winter and Giselle part but other than that... "What are you talking about?"

"Twelve o'clock." She repeated. She huffed when she realized that I was still confused. "Twelve o- bitch, right in front of us you dumb hoe."

"Then why the hell didn't you say that?"

"Who doesn't know what that means? See this is why we should never hangout."

I turned my head to see that Giselle and Winter were sitting together in the food court, holding hands, being all lovey dovey, which make me sick and slightly jealous.

Okay, a lot of jealous.

"They look so in love and it's sickening." I spat.

Chaewon had a smile on her face. "I think they look cute together." She did a double take feeling my eyes glaring holes in her head. "I mean, ew."

I didn't know what am I going to do but I couldn't just sit there and let Winter be whisked away by Giselle undeniable charm. I had to come with a plan and it had to be a good one.

"What are we doing?"

Chaewon and I screamed in fear which causes the person behind us to scream in return. We both hurried to cover the unexpected person's mouth just in case she blew our cover.

"Minju!" I whisper yelled. "What are you doing here?"

"Hmm mmm hmm hmm mmm..." I removed my hand in her mouth and swatted Chaewon's away.

"Thanks. I said that I was about to get a bubble tea when I saw you guys behind here and want to know what you were doing."

"Spying!" Chaewon and I whisper yelled.

"I wanna be a spy!"

"ShhHhH-" we both covered her mouth before she could possibly be louder than she already is. "Okay, you can be a spy if you shut up!"


"Oh God, shut up!" Chaewon and I whisper yelled.

"Okay.." Minju whispered. She was still a bit loud but at least she's quieter than earlier. "We need undercover names. I'll be Minguri, Chaewon is Chaechae and you will be Karz"


"You're not calling me Karz"

"Who are our targets?" Minju asked, ignoring us.

"Giselle and Winter. They're over..." I looked around the food court to see that they were no longer sitting at their table. "Where they'd go?"

"Duck!" Chaewon pushed Minju and my heads down while getting down herself. "The coast is clear."

We all looked to see Giselle and Winter holding hands and walking through crowd of people.

"Come on! Let's go and catch up with them!" Before I could pull Minju back, she was already ducking behind benches and people as if she were an actual spy.

"Minju!!" It was too late. She couldn't hear me, I looked at Chaewon in amazement. "That's one of the girl you like?"

"Give me a break," she argued. "I constantly fight with the other one and she become really different since we've passed her emo phase. Then on top of it, one of my best friends is a psychopath who just has to be this girl. Now, she has a girlfriend who happens to be her ex best friend. Clearly, I'm the best judge of character."

I opened my mouth to say something smart but quickly dismissed it. "Damn it. You're right. Let's go catch this idiot before she does something stupid."

We both froze when we heard multiple thumps and the sounds of people screaming out. "Whoa!"

"Too late.." Chaewon muttered.

Note to self: never invite Minju to something important.

I will re-edit this as soon as possible..

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