The Winter Breaking of Harmony and Lavender Part Five

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Lavender stood quiet for a moment as she started over at Harmony, trying her hardest not to meet those bright blue eyes.

She thought hard about what she was going to say to her next, after all the last thing she wanted to do was to upset her again.

“I’m really sorry” Harmony said to me.

Her voice was thick with regret and I could tell just by the sound of it that she really meant what she said.

“I know. I also know that I haven’t been entirely fair to you either. What you said about me, how I’m always too quick at letting the things Madison says or does to you slide. I just want you to understand that before you came into my life Madison was all I had. Sure she is a spoiled brat and selfishly rude but she was the only one in the entire world who seamed to care about me. So yes a lot of times I do let the annoying things she does slide but that’s does not mean I’m taking her side like you said.” I sighed and cleared my throat awkwardly before continuing.

“Look Harmony you’re right, next time I wont be so quick to let her slide. Ill work on that I promise, but next time you have an issue with me I would appreciate it if you where to talk to me about it in private instead of screaming it at me in front of everyone… in front of my only friends” I said.

This time I looked up to meet her eyes, attempting to show her how serious this conversation was to me.

Harmony pushed a strand of her short black hair out of her face as she started at me, traces of guilt showing in her eyes.

I’m sorry. I just kind of snapped, but next time ill come to you privately when something’s bothering me before things you know...get out of hand again.” She said in a slightly shaky voice.

I smiled at Harmony and even though I was still slightly hurt with her but that didn’t matter to me, because I loved her so much.

So much more then anything in this entire world.

I needed her like I need oxygen or food, or water. She was the most importing thing to me and the top priority in my life.

I reached out my hand and linked my fingers through hers.

At the feel of my touch she gave me a little weak smile, but for some reason the smile didn’t reach her eyes

“Is anything else bothering you?” I asked curiously.

“Well…just one thing. It’s just that when I was down eating dinner I ran into your brother” she said cautiously as if she was still debating on telling me whatever happened.

“What did he say to you?” I pressed, knowing my brother I knew it probably wasn’t a fun conversation.

She paused for a moment, looking very hesitant

“He told me that Madison is trying to break us up” She confessed.

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes

“Oh please. Harmony don’t take anything he says seriously. Growing up with him I’ve learned that he has a tendency to tease people.” I said reassuringly.

“But he seamed really seriously about this. I think maybe he’s helping her plan something” I could hear the obvious worry in her voice.

“Madison’s spoiled and mean, but she’s not some villain planning the destruction of our relationship and even if she was there is NO way Auburn would help her” I pointed out.

“But how can you be so sure?” She pressed.

Well that’s because he wouldn’t do anything to lower his chances of being with Madison and me being single would definitely make Madison even less interested in him then she already was.

The Winter Breaking of Harmony and Lavender *sequel*Where stories live. Discover now