Care ~ One

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It's Jefferson, because of fucking course it's him.

He stops me, crouching down to my eye level.

I fucking hate his guts.

"Y'know, Hamilton, you look miserable."

"Fuck off."

"You look like you haven't slept in 4 days." Jefferson's tone is much less teasing then it would usually be. "..You alright, Hamilton?"

"I-..." I pause, that was unexpected. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure?" Jefferson stands up, his face genuinely concerned. "When was the last time you've eaten?"

"Oh.." I have to think about that, think about how I've been running on souly coffee. "Four days.."

"And... sleep?"


"... Jesus, Hamilton." Jefferson is definitely concerned. He thinks for a moment. "You must be... what... running off of caffeine and hate?"

"Sounds about right."

Jefferson sighs a little and then sits still for a moment. He opens his mouth to say something before stopping. He starts again. "What... Why have you been not eating or sleeping for the past week?"

"Busy. Work."

Jefferson seems like he'd want to push for more details, yet he simply nods in understanding. "... You've gotta take care of yourself."

I don't have a come back for that. He seems genuinely concerned about me. Why?

"Why are you being so nice today?"

"... Don't read into it too much. But... I'm concerned." Jefferson sighs. "Besides, Hamilton... You are my enemy. Yet, ever since you've been acting.. y'know... I feel I have an obligation to make sure you don't die."

I know what he's talking about, but I wish I didn't. He doesn't know what he's talking about. He doesn't know why I'm acting like this, and he's the last person I'd tell.

"I won't die. You're taking this too far."

"Hamilton... you haven't eaten in four days or slept in eight. You, uh... kinda seem to be teetering on the edge of death." Jefferson shrugs. "Sleeping and eating are both pretty essential to not dying."

"It's not like you care anyways."

"... You're wrong, Hamilton. I may hate your guts; but for someone whose entire philosophy is: "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," it seems like a pretty basic principle to ensure you're not doing the opposite of living. You... are my enemy, but that doesn't mean I want you to go and die on me." Jefferson shrugs again, this time just a little. "You're a pretty integral component of the government. I can't exactly have you... dead... y'know?"

"I-.." I think for a moment. What do you say to that? "What's gotten into you? You're not usually this nice."

Jefferson thinks about the question for a moment. "... Eh. I don't know... Maybe it's just that... I don't think I've ever seen you look this.. miserable. You're a cocky bastard, Hamilton. You're like a damn... pigeon, most times. I thought you were made of... sterner stuff."

I don't say anything. I can't say anything. What's there to say?

"... I don't know, maybe I'm worried that I've broken you. And I... Don't think I like what seeing you like this does to me. Maybe I want to see you angry again. See you, y'know... acting the way you do... cause... cause you're usually so sure of yourself, Hamilton."

I can see his reaction to the shock on my face. I'm sure theirs much of it in my eyes. I think I'm trembling.

Jefferson sighs. "But... not seeing you sure of yourself, kinda feels like you are being robbed of, like, the real you, y'know? And maybe I wanna help get you back to the you I normally see. The you I know... Cause that's my enemy. And I'm not ashamed to say I respect 'em... to some extent. You're a damn good enemy, Hamilton. Don't know if I've ever known anyone who hated me as much as you do... and I appreciate the... the honesty of that."

"O- Oh..." I can't manage more. For the first time ever, I have no words.

Jefferson smiles. He offers me his hand. "... Come on." Jefferson's tone changes again. The offer seems genuine... but there's a... twinge of amusement behind it. "... I'm taking you to dinner."


Word count: 682 Words

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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