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Amal gave up after shouting for help for the last time, she sat yesterday's incident where that guy dragged her out but Khizr said nothing, it really shows he doesn't care about her. Amal came to a conclusion she probably was not his relative.

leaning on the wall beside the door and pulled her knees to her chest. Amal had lost hope, her health wasn't getting any better too, as expected she has a scratchy throat with dry eyes.

"Are you ok? I can't believe bhai did this to you!" Amal was taken aback when she heard the door open and a worried Dina rushed to her. Dina helped her stand up and rubbed her bridal lehenga to remove any dust.

'What an amazing wedding night' Amal thought when her focus went to her lehenga.

"Are you okay?" Dina asked again,softly, as her hand reached Amal's cheek, trying to rub the dust off.

"For now, yeah.''Amal responded, this girl was making her feel too comfortable. She wanted to cry.

"I'm so sorry, he trapped me." Dina said, guilt prevalent on her face. "Let's get you out of here" Dina continued as she held her lehnga to make it easier for her to walk.


Dina guided her to the same room where she first brought her to pray before her nikkah. This room was heavily decorated with extravagant furniture alongside some - what looks like - homemade DIY decorations.She was sure it was a girl's room after seeing that huge abaya and niqab collection, at first she thought it might be Dina's room but maybe she is wrong?

She didn't know if she was related to Khizr or not. Amal thought she was his relative at first but after

"Take a shower and change."Dina spoke as she got an abaya and hijab out from the wardrobe before placing it on the bed. Amal realised that she definitely has missed her Fajr in sleep, as she only woke up an hour ago and it looked like it was nearly Dhuhr time. "It's Dhuhr time, right now." Dina turned around and informed Amal before leaving.


Amal finished her dua after relieving her heart to the Almighty, the peace she felt was unmatched.She was ready to go through all the hardships written for her as long as each hardship is followed by a salah where she can relieve her heart in prostration to the Almighty.

Amal placed the prayer mat on the table she found it from as she sat on the bed, the comfort of the mattress was inviting her to a peaceful slumber. However, this was not the right time. She is in a stranger's room, not her private room where she can sleep whenever she wants. Amal has also requested Dina for her prescription for Amal's allergy and as expected, Dina agreed and told her she'll ask someone to get it for her.

'Where is she?' Amal was waiting for Dina, she was her only companion in this household. The only one she actually felt comfortable with.

She heard a knock on the door, before Dina peaked in with a big smile. Amal smiled as soon as she saw her.Dina walked in with a big tray of food as she walked closer, she placed the tray on the table in front of the couch. Amal's stomach made weird noises when she smelt the aroma of the delicious food presented to her. Amal's cheeks blushed red as soon she realised how loud her stomach was.

"It's all yours, come on." Dina encouraged her to come and Amal walk to the couch and started devouring the food.She realised she was probably acting like a homeless person who hadn't eaten in years,but she was too hungry to pay any attention to that.

"Get some rest after eating, ok?" Dina said as Amal nodded. The sleep on the floor had resulted in her back hurting badly, she just wanted to lay down and sleep."What is that on your neck? "Dina inquired when she saw a bruise on her neck, Amal halted in her action as she recalled yesterday night. Dina stared at the girl before looking back at the mark, surely Khizr can't be that heartless?

"He choked me." Amal confessed, tears welling up in her eyes at her concern. Dina eyes widened at her words, she embraced Amal when she saw the tears in her eyes.

'Stop acting like a soft dimwit who cries whenever someone shows concern.' Amal told herself.

"I'll go get the balm for bruises"Dina said as she got up and left the room and in no time, she was back with the balm in her hand. "Should I apply it or do you want to apply it yourself?"Dina questioned.

"I'll apply it myself" Dina nodded and forwarded the balm to her before getting a mini mirror and handing it to Amal.
"If I knew he was going to do this,I would've stayed"Dina said,taking a seat on the bed.Amal saw the guilt on her face,showing her sincerity.Amal was grateful, at least one person was showing her some empathy,

"Don't worry about it.If you don't mind me asking,who was that guy who dragged you out?"Amal asked as she stared into the mirror,trying to apply the balm.

"My husband,"Amal stilled in her place when she heard her words.

'No wonder she is empathising with me! She's stuck in a similar situation.'Amal thought as she pitied their situation.

"I could've convinced him otherwise but I did not expect bhai to treat you like this so I left with him"Dina spoke again, staring at her lap as she played with her finger in guilt.Maybe if she didn't leave, Amal wouldn't have to go through this?

"Bhai?" Amal questioned.

"Yeah , bhai.Khizr is my brother."Dina broke a new bubble on her head, how does that devil have such a kind sister? Amal thought.

"But Sarah said his family lives in another house?"

"I used to live here before marriage because this house is so much more fun.Everyone else lives in that house and barely visits here except Kinza.My sister, Kinza, comes here often too.She's a grumpy kid, just like bhai.Always angry." Dina spoke with a small smile as Amal listened carefully. "When she comes here, just hide.That's what i used to do until my marriage."

"I think I met her yesterday"

"Who? Kinza?" Dina questioned as she widened her eyes in shock

"Yeah, she was the one who caught me," Amal confessed, wanting to laugh at how badly she failed.She made it harder for herself to escape him, he will always monitor her moves now to make sure she didn't make such mistakes again.she wanted to laugh at her helplessness.

"Caught?"Dina frowned, confused.

"Yeah, I tried calling someone and she caught me"Amal went on to explain the whole incident in detail as Dina paid all her attention to her words.Suddenly the door opened, causing them to turn around to look at the person ."Dina, what are you doing here?" Amal flinched at his - now, soft? - voice, is she hallucinating? No, she isn't. Amal looked up and saw Khizr staring at them in confusion. "What the fuck is she doing here?" Khizr inquired as the little softness in his voice was long gone, he stared at her blankly.

'Not again' Amal thought to herself.

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