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Amal pushed the man away, her cheeks burning with embarrassment as she quickly walked past him. It felt more like running away. She rushed upstairs into her room, trying to calm her racing heartbeat. The mortification gnawed at her, and she fervently wished the ground would swallow her up. If only she had watched her steps, she wouldn’t have had to endure this humiliating episode.

Amal remained in the room for a while, attempting to steady her nerves. The door creaked open, and one of her cousins poked her head in, informing Amal that the guests were leaving and she needed to come downstairs. Reluctantly, Amal complied, though she was still frazzled from her earlier mishap.

As she descended the stairs, Amal was taken aback when the lady visitor engulfed her in a big hug. It was a gesture that made Amal slightly uncomfortable, as the woman was still a stranger to her. Despite her unease, Amal returned the hug lightly, afraid of upsetting the guest. Upsetting these guests would inevitably lead to her father’s wrath, something she desperately wanted to avoid.

“Chatterbox, you are. Honestly, Rania.” Raheem shook his head in mild exasperation as his wife finally let go of the elderly woman after a lively storytelling session.

Rania rolled her eyes before retorting, “At least I accompanied the guest, unlike yourself, who left for 'work' before the guests arrived and returned after they left,” she said, emphasising the word 'work' with a touch of sarcasm.

Amal frowned at Rania's words, curious about her brother's response. Before Raheem could reply, Amal interjected, “Bhai, you didn’t meet them?”

“I had an emergency, so I had to go,” Raheem replied, his tone matter-of-fact. Amal nodded in understanding, but her mind buzzed with questions. “It’s not like you’re going to get married to him, anyway,” Raheem added, attempting to reassure her.

“She will,” came a rough voice that made everyone in the room straighten in their seats. Farooq Shah had entered the living room. Amal glanced at her brother, worried, but the smile on her father’s lips suggested he was in a good mood, a rare occurrence. “Rest assured,” Farooq said, locking eyes with his son and smirking.
“Take your wife with you and give the wedding invitation to your in-laws. We don’t want them displeased, do we?” Farooq continued, settling down on the sofa next to Raheem. Confusion spread across Raheem’s face as he looked from his father to Rania and then to Amal. The room felt charged with unspoken tension.

Amal’s heartbeat quickened at her father’s words. She could sense something ominous in his tone. Desperately, she hoped her fears were unfounded. Her father’s next words shattered her last strand of hope. “And you! Get ready on Saturday. He’ll pick you up and you’ll go get yourself a wedding dress,” Farooq declared, his voice leaving no room for protest.

Amal’s eyes widened in shock, darting to her brother for help. Raheem, equally taken aback, managed to voice his confusion. “What do you mean?” he questioned, his voice a mixture of disbelief and frustration. It felt as though he had been away for mere hours and returned to find a month’s worth of decisions had been made in his absence.

“He agreed, and we’ve set the date for next Friday,” Farooq stated with finality, his eyes glinting with a smug satisfaction.

Amal’s mind raced. The reality of the situation crashed down on her, and she felt trapped. Her father had arranged her marriage without her consent, and the date was set. The suddenness and the lack of her involvement in such a crucial decision left her feeling helpless and cornered.

Raheem’s frown deepened as he processed his father’s words. “But, Baba, don’t you think this is too soon?” he argued, hoping to reason with his father.

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