Lazy Day

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I woke up in my bed, wondering how I got there. I took a look around and I see a note next to my bed. 

{Hey Sleepy-head,

I couldn't get myself to wake you up last night after the movie, so Jennie asked me to bring you to your room. Hope that was okay. Hope you sleep well and I guess I'll see you later :)


I feel my body get warm. She carried me here? I bite my bottom lip to stop myself from squealing.

I get out of the covers and slip on my slippers, and walk to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

"She's finally up!" I hear Jisoo say. I turn around and see the girls in the living room with smiles on their faces. 

"And in a good mood. Did you sleep well?" Jennie says, drawing out the last word. I just give them a smile. 

I look at the clock and see that it's almost 11am.

"Why did you let me sleep in?!" I cried out, grabbing my phone to see if Y/N has texted. She hasn't. I am a little disappointed, but I hide it well.

"Relax, Lisa. I asked Y/N and she said she wouldn't be here until around 12 anyway." Rosie tells me.

I pout. Is it that obvious I was thinking about her? 

"I need to go shower." I turn back to my room, completely forgetting my glass of water. I quickly shower, and take a look at my closet. I grab a casual dress and put it on, before doing my make-up. 

I check the time and it's almost noon, so I decide to wait in the living room. I walk out and see the girls all sitting in the same spot and just staring at me.


"Someone's trying to look cute." Jisoo says teasingly.

"It looks nice out today, that's all." I reply, narrowing my eyes at her.

"Sure." She replies, and they all start laughing.


You keep looking at the time on your laptop. Ugh. How much longer in this meeting? You've been sitting there two hours already. 

"Hey, do I really need to be here for the rest of this?" You ask.

"Yes, you need to know these things." Eric tells you.

"You know what, why don't we let her go and I can fill her in later on. She hasn't said a work in over 30 minutes anyway." Alice tells them.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. "Stop talking about me like I'm not here."

They ignore me.

"Fine, but read the scripts and treatments we sent. Y/N still hasn't gotten back to us about them."

"I will. And I'll send them to the girls too to see if they're interested in any." I cut in.

"Alright, alright. You don't need to join the meeting tomorrow so we'll see you when you get back here."

You give them a thumbs up and a smile, closing your laptop. You send Alice a quick text.

Thanks. I was dying sitting there. I'm heading out with the girls if you need me.

Little gay but whatever. Go get em.

I shake my head and regret telling her about last night. But Alice will be Alice. You quickly shower and grab a jacket, shirt and jeans before heading down to the business centre to print out various pages of scripts and treatments. After sorting them, you toss them in your handbag and get a ride to the girls' dorm. 

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