Gifts for the Girls

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You barely slept because you were worried about the other girls finding out that you slept in the same bed as Lisa. You didn't want her to get teased by them, plus you just met her and it's not like you two did anything, but you were brought up with manners. You're not sure whether your grandfather would be proud of disappointed of where you're at right now. You woke up pretty early and decided to sneak out before the other girls woke up.

You found a piece of paper and a pen and started writing Lisa a note. You hear a soft meow and turn to look towards the closet. Slowly, Lisa's cat started walking towards you. You crouch and hold you hand out, waiting for it to get closer. As soon as the cat smelled your hand, it started nuzzling against it. 

"Hey there, cutie. What's your name?" You whisper and look for a collar, but you don't see one. You glance around the room and see a picture of Lisa's cats with their names on it. She has five cats? Leo, Luca, Lily, Louis, and Lego. Gosh. This one's name is Louis. 

You turn back to Louis, who is now rubbing against your leg. You gently pick him up and put him on your lap while you write. When you finish, you fold the piece of paper, pick up Louis and place him on the bed, along with the note on the pillow.

You take a look at Lisa, who's sound asleep. Stop playing your stupid jokes on her, you tell yourself. Also stop staring at her in the dark while you stand in her room, you creep. You shake your head and life the blanket she's kicked off herself and put it back over her, You stroke Louis gently before you leave. 

"Keep an eye on her for me, okay?" You whisper to Louis, who's purring. You take that as a yes.

You exit the dorm quietly, making sure you don't wake anyone up before grabbing a taxi back to the hotel.

After changing and lying down you have a hard time going back to sleep. You want to make it up to Lisa and thank the rest of the girls for their hospitality since you leave tomorrow. You start to look up gift ideas for them.

For Jisoo, you have noticed she likes to play video games. You did see her playing her Switch at some point...what games does she have on it? You buy a few games just in case and a pair or two of GUNNAR glasses so she doesn't hurt her eyes from staring at the screens for too long.

For Rosé, you've noticed her guitars are pretty old, even though they sound just fine. Maybe she'd like another one that's easier to carry around and travel with. You find the one you're thinking of at a store nearby.

For Jennie...she's a tough one to read. You finally decide on jewellery to go with the outfit she bought. You looked up the store you want and saved a picture of the outfit to show at the store.

For Lisa, flowers obviously for that stupid joke you pulled. You also found out she likes photography and likes to go to vintage shops, especially 90s vintage. You check your suitcase and know exactly what to get her.

You look up what time the stores open and call the front desk of the hotel to arrange a driver for you. A few hours of shopping later, you send a text to Alice asking if she's busy or if she wants to go hang out with the girls. Of course, she's busy making sure you have all the information you need from the team. You were hoping o have her help you bring stuff to the girls but guess it can't be helped. You thank her anyway and decide to get dressed up a little bit. You pick a nice denim dress and head to the girls' dorm with your gifts.

Luckily, as you pull up to the girls dorm you recognise two of the managers that were with you the first day you spent time with the girls at the BBQ place. You wave them down and ask if they speak English, which unfortunately they don't. You quickly ask the driver, who speaks both English and Korean since they cater for many English-speaking customers, if he could help translate for a bigger tip. He gladly accepts.

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