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Eric's pov:

I woke up at like 3:30, I couldn't sleep, usually around this time my mother brought some men to the house and had 'fun' with them so laudly I couldnt sleep. Everyone else was sleeping, so I tried to leave the room quietly, but I woke up Kenny,

Me quietly: "Sorry."

Kenny quitetly: "Its allright, where are you going?"

Me: "To make breakfest."

Kenny: "Ok, I will go with you. "

So I went to the kitchen with Kenny, and we started doing some eggs.

Me: "Man, how are you not so hungry anymore? "

Kenny: "I am working, and I am giving food to my little sister, I am hiding it because my parents would probably want it. "

Me: "Oh, but how did I woke you up. You were asleep and I was as quiet as a mouse."

Kenny: "Well I have a really sensitive sleep, because ussually a lot of homeless people wants to sleep somewhere and sometimes they just somehow get in. And the fact that your weight is closer to the weight of an elephant than to the weight of a mouse helps the wakening." Kenny smiled. I punched him. He knows I didn't like that. " Hey, and what about you and Kyle?"

Me: "I think there is always going to be some feelings."

Kyle: "Hi, guys. What are you doing?"

Me: "We are doing some breakfest what do you want?"

Kyle: "Eggs probably, thanks" Kyle smiled. And leaved the room

Kenny: "Do you think he heard us?"

Me: "No, and even if he would I don't care. "

Shut Up And Kiss me.... KymanWhere stories live. Discover now