082. old men

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"You expect me to believe you're CDC?" The doctor asks the five.

"Excuse me?" Sam asks.

"It's just that you're a day early. First time in history I haven't sat on my ass waiting for you people." The doctor says.

"New administration. A change you can believe in." Dean says.

"Right." The doctor remarks. They go to the morgue and she pulls out the slab containing the victim out. "Meet Xavier. Date of birth -- April 3rd, 1984." Natalie looks at the man who looks like he's as old as Bobby, if not older.

"I know. I ran the DNA twice. That's definitely him." The doctor says.

"Well, he wasn't big on sunscreen, huh?" Dean remarks.

"So, what's your theory?" Sam asks.

"All I know is decedent's male, 25 years old, and he died of old age." The doctor walks away.

"Dude, he's a year younger than us." Natalie whispers to her twin.

"I know." Sam whispers back.

"He's my age." Larissa whispers. "Damn."

They leave the morgue and Dean calls Bobby.

"You were right about this one. It's definitely a job." Dean says.

"Thought so. Any other stiffs in town?" Bobby asks.

"Just the one body." Dean says.

"Anything else?" Bobby asks.

"Couple missing persons, but usual for a town this size." Dean says.

"Well, check 'em out." Bobby says.

"You think they're connected?"

"Call it a hunch."

"You got it. And, by the way, how you doing?"


"Yeah. You know, just... in general?"

"Oh, you mean my legs. Well, I'm just weepin' in my Haagen-Dazs. Idjit." Bobby hangs up.


"That's the most recent." Mrs. Whitlow says, handing Dean a photo of her husband.

"How long has he been missing?" Sam asks.

"Oh, I knew right away when he didn't come home Tuesday night." She says.

"Is there someplace he likes to go after work, maybe? A favorite bar?" Dean asks and Mrs. Whitlow laughs.

"No. Tuesdays he always works a bit late, but he always comes straight home." She says.

"May I use your facilities, ma'am?" Dean asks.


The five are walking down the hall of the hotel to where Cliff's room is.

"Well, at least he's consistent. Same room every Tuesday, hourly rates." Sam says.

"Yeah, a consistent piece of shit." Larissa remarks.

"What a jackass." Natalie rolls her eyes.

"Hope I got that kind of luck when I'm his age." Dean says.

"Yeah, like either of us will live that long." Sam says.

"True." Dean says.

"Technically, you kind of already haven't." Jacob comments.

"So... what do you think's in there?" Sam asks as they stop outside the door.

"A wrinkly, gooey corpse." Dean states.

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