Prolouge - Part 1

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Hiya guys :)

So this is only part one of the prolauge since i ran out of time. It is not edited. I hope you guys like it so far.


¨Mommy!¨I yelled as I heard noises outside my window. I got up and ot of my bed and ran to my parents bedroom and jumped into the b ed with my mommy.

¨Jason, you scred me. What is wrong ?¨she asked ever so s oftly and stroked my hair. Mother always made me feel safe and loved.

¨I heared noises outside my window. I think it's rouges!¨I said hugging her tightly and screamed when I heard the thunder's loud booms.

¨Don't be afraid, you can sleep with me.¨she said and tucked me in next to her.

¨Did you have a bad dream Jason?¨she asked.

¨No. I heard them. The rouges, they sounded angry.¨I said closing my eyes as I felt safe in her arms.

¨The rouges won't ever hurt you. I'll oritect you with my life. Your father will too.¨She said and kissed my forhead.

That's when i heard the the banging on the door, not lng after you could hear the wood being broken. The broke the door down ! My mohter got up immeditly and ran to the window and gasped.

¨Jason, quickly hurry.¨ She said opeing the window. It was raining really hard, you could hear the rain on the roof top.

¨ I 'm scared mommy!¨ I said crying as I clung onto her.

¨ Y ou have nothin to fear Jason. You are strong, and you'll be a great alpha one day.¨She said as she kissed my forhead then helped me ou the window and onto the roof top. We're going to slip. We 're going to die. I don't want to die. I ' m scared.

She began to slowly lower me down but then dropped me and screamed as she tumbled ov er vut in her wolf form. S he pushed me behind her and growled as we were so suddenly surrounded by gry vicious rouges.

¨ Jason, listen to me and listen closly . I want you to run and go find your father. RUN !¨she yelled in the mind link as a rouge viciously growled and attacked her. I was frozen in shoc k and fear and couldn't move.

¨ RUN !¨ she yelled as she rippped out the rouge's throat. I took off rinning into the woods, down the path to the pack house.

¨ DADDY!¨I yelled crying as I was being chased. I pushed myself further and faster till I herd their feet right behind me and I was suddenly taken down.

I screamed in pain as the rouge lifted it's pa w and sliced it headind for my throat but I rolled ove trying to get up and it scratched my bac k with it's razor sharp claws.

I heard more growling as it was suddenly besides me lying dead on the ground. I saw my father in his wolf form growling at the rouge's. I was sc red and crying. I want my mommy.

I saw my mommy comming towards me when I saw a rouge that was covered in blood get up from the ground and look at me then at my mother

¨ MOMMY ! ¨ i yelled and screamed as it jumped oto her and bit dee ply into her throat. It felt like everything stopp ed. . . and went in slow motion. I saw from the corner of my yes as my dad turned his head and gowled in pain and grief. My father snarled at it before killing it untill parts of his body were in chunks everywhere. More pack members started to arive but it was too late.

¨ GET THE PACK DOCTOR ! ¨ My father yelled as he shifted, he was crying as well. Never have I ev er seen my daddy cry, like ever .

¨ Mommy.¨I said crawling to her as she shifted and wa s suddenly in her human form.

¨You're strong a Jason . Never be afraid. Listen to your hear, it whispers, so listen c losely.¨she said as a tear slipped down her cheek, but disappeared with all the rain drops falling on her face. I wipped a wa y the tear and rain drops and held onto one of her hands and my father took her other hand crying too.

¨ I love you, both of you.¨ Where her last words before she died but died smiling.

I stood besides my dad as we were at my mother's funeral. It was raining agian today. It's been raining since he day my mo my went to heaven. My dad is distant and gets angry easily.

¨ I love you mommy, I miss you.¨i said as tears ran down my cheeks. I placed a red and white rose on her coffin. Many more of the pack members came out to put flowers on her coffin b efore they lowered it into the ground and dropped dirt on it. More like mud. I watched with a sad heart as my father broke down crying. I held onto his h and as he mourned and cried. You take away a man's ( werewolfs) mate a way and you've taken away his only will to live. I've see men go mad, commit suacide, or even go rouge when their mate dies. They mourn for years. Some ake their lifes. I don't want to loose my daddy too. I don't want him to go too.

It may have been my imagination playing tricks with me but I saw my mother looking down a us. She was frowing, and put her hand ov er father's but only for it to go through his. She gave me a small smile before she disappeared.


O k so that is part one of the prolauge, I have to go now. Sorry for errors. I'll try to update soon.

- A-ya Katinawa

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