Prologue Part 2

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Hiya :)
Ok let me just start by saying Happy New Year!!! Oh my gosh can you believe it is already 2016, I mean just wow. Time really does fly by.

March 30, 2016
I'm really sorry I didn't post this chapter on New Year's like I said I would, but better late than never right. . ?

1.36K views! 41 votes! 9 Comments! I love ya guys, you guys are awesome!!!

So I was kind of sort of wondering if you guys would want to follow each other on social medias? Maybe? I think it would be pretty kool. We'd all get more followers and we all talk and communicate more as author and readers.
(Comment your thought please)

Enough of my rambling, here is Prolauge part 2 of The Dark Alpha. Enjoy :)

I was crying as father was training me. He was brutal with me despite my young age.
"GET UP. YOU ARE NOT WEAK!" He growled glaring down at me then yanked me up by the collar of my shirt.
"AGAIN!" he growled as he threw a punch and I blocked it but he punched me in the stomach far faster than I saw it coming. I fell the floor clutching my stomach gasping for air.
I shifted and got up weakly.
"THEY KILLED YOUR MOTHER AND YOU'RE CRYING!?! GET UP AND FIGHT!" He yelled as I attacked him, but he was stronger than me in his human form and easily held me down.

3 months later

"Jason. Rouges are cruel. Look at what they did to your mother. Finish it." My father said as he threw a girl at the floor. She was crying and covered in blood. She seemed to be 10 maybe 11.
"She's a girl." I said. Mother always said to never hit or hurt girls.
"She's a rouge. Kill her. Her father killed your mother!" He yelled as I growled and shifted attacking her. Aiming for her throat, but stopped myself and ripped her apart. Inflicting ad much pain as I could upon her. Her father killed my mother! All I saw was red. Pure Red. I wanted my mother back, I wanted REVENGE. I ripped out her throat when she was at the brink of death.

9 years old

"Jason, come with me. We have rouges." father said we were training. I followed him down to the prison and went down to the cells to see a man with a woman and a younger girl.
I went in and shifted attacking the man first as he shifted too but he was weak. Father had trained me, and had encouraged my growth and my wolf was big for a 9 year old. Yet again, I shifted at 5. Most pups don't shift until they're 11-13. My father would always tell me I was going to be a great leader, and a strong one at that. I didn't feel any remorse what so ever as my father attacked him and let me finish him off, I left him weak, bleeding to death and and killed the woman and girl as he died. All I saw was red. I was angry and wanted revenge, it was rouges who killed my mother.
Father had drilled it into to my head that I didn't do gentle. To survive I needed to be strong and have no feelings. I used to cry after I killed someone. Now I was proud when I killed someone. My father would be so proud, and that's what I strived for, to make my father proud.
"That's my boy!" He'd brag full of pride.

13 years old

"Please, spare my daughter. She's only 5 years old. She has no one left, please!" The woman begged as she was protecting her daughter.
"Your kind killed my mother. She won't go through what I did." I said as the woman smiled at me but I quickly smacked her as hard as I could across the floor and tossed her aside. I grabbed the little girl and stopped when she looked me in the eyes. I could see and sensed her fear. The same fear I felt. I snapped her neck and tossed her limp body aside.
"NO!" She yelled crying and craddled the dead girls body then killed her. The girl won't have to go through what I did. I thought to myself.

15 years old
"Jason! Rouges!" Father yelled as I was asleep. I got up instantly and ran out shifting into my wolf and headed out into the woods following my father. I didn't feel guilty. I felt good. I was ridding the world of the evil of rouges. I'm saving others, by killing others.
I growled as I was tackled down but quickly bit I to their shoulder and got ripping their throats out.
I then saw my father being attacked by 7 wolves at the same time. I went over to help him but was to late as he was being attacked.
He was being held down and they bit into his throat. Just like my mother. I growled and killed every wolf in way to my father. They left as soon as he was dead. Some tried attacking me others in the pack killed them for me while I shifted and cried for the 1st time in years since the death of my mother.
"I can't loose you too father. I just can't. " I cried holding knto his hand. Just like i did to my mother.
"No crying. I raised you well. Lead the---"
"Lead the pack. You made me proud Jason. I'm so proud of you." Were his last words.
The day was cloudy, and it was drizzling. The day itself showed our feeling his funeral I growled to anyone who got too close.
When my mother died they buried her in a large coffin. My father wanted to be burried with her. A few tears ran down my cheeks at seeing but only her Skelton, dressed in her favorite white dress. I had it arranged for their hands to be holding each other's.
We've lost our Luna, and now our Alpha.
"Who is the Alpha now?" Jim our 3rd in command asked.
"I think Luis should step up until Jason turns 18. He's only 15." Luis was our 2nd in comand.
"Jason is the heir. He should be Alpha. He is strong, and he's been trained since he was 5."
"I vote that Luis be Alpha. " one said.
"Jason, I know you're hurting, but you're next in line. I can be Alpha till you are ready." Luis said.
"No. The pack is now my responsibility. " was all I said and then ordered for everyone to leave me be as I cried for hours.
"No crying." "You've made me proud Jason, you're strong." "Follow your heart." I'm proud of you." I heard their voices in my head. Why. Both my parents are dead. What do I do now. What do I do.
The pack is all I have left. All I have. I'll make my dad's pack the best. The most powerful. The most power!!!


This year I have made a lot of New Years Resolutions and I certainly do intend to fulfill them. One of them was to be a better author, a better writer with more frequent updates on a regular basis. But also to talk to all of you so that we can all get long. I just really want to interact with you guys. So I'm going to start leaving random questions to know a bit more aboug you guys.

Question of
What was your New Year's Resolution?

- A-ya Katinawa

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2016 ⏰

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