🥀 "Enemies With Benefits" P3

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(This is out of school! They won't be in a 'school' for this part.)

Mysterions POV:

I was just walking, at night. It may have been severally dark out, considering it's winter. I was able to see perfectly fine until I bumped into someone. Someone familiar.

"Hey-" I got pushed back slightly. I held my head in my palm before looking up to see who I walked into

It was Chaos. It had to be chaos!
"Oh.." I rolled my eyes at chaos, he didn't seem to care. He just had that same smug look he always had on his face

"Hiya, Mysty!" Chaos said in a cheery voice, tilting his head and smiling at me "what are you doing out here? It's quite dark out."

"I'm walking?" I snapped back at Chaos. I never had that kind of patience with him. Especially when in class.

I brushed my shoulders off.

"I could ask the same to you. What could you possibly be doing? Causing trouble like always?" I knew it had to be something along the line of 'trouble' or 'mischief'.

Chaos looked at me, like he was confused. "No, why would you think that? I would never!"

Yeah right. 'Never'. He was trying to mess with me, wasn't he? "Sure, Chaos. Whatever you say."
I paused for a moment before speaking once again

"If I catch you doing something, you have only yourself to blame. You could've simply told me now that you were gonna go and do something bad."

"Aww, but I wouldn't want you to be mad at me, now would I?" Chaos, he had his normal smug look. It was actually quite irritating.

I, again, rolled my eyes at him. He was being more annoying than usual.

I walked away from him. My shoulder gently brushed against his. It wasn't intentional, obviously, but he clearly jumped a bit at it. I didn't find it weird at all, that was most normal. He would jump like that at literally anything.

When he jumped, I turned my head a bit, just to see if that's what he actually did. He had also turned, only to give a small wave.

I didn't wave back, just turned my head and continued to walk.
He really was annoying sometimes.

hi! Sorry again for this being short! I was getting quite uninterested in this little au. Not many ideas were coming to me, but here we are! The last part (unless I become interested and get another idea for it) I hope it was good! Sorry it took so long for this!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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