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Word count: 790

Disorientating symphonies of electronic beeps surrounded my battered body, the erratic sound growing quicker, louder. The gurney cradling my broken form was rushed quickly through winding hallways adorned with blinding overhead lights and filled with clamoring doctors and nurses, their shouting and frenzied orders falling on my deaf, blood-filled ears. My consciousness continuously slipped from grasp only to be reawakened by electric pulses shocking my chest, the smell of seared flesh reaching my nose.

The first sense to come back to me was smell. A pungent odor filtered through the blood leaking from my broken nose, cracked in half, lingering heavily in the air around my nostrils. The stench of acrid smoke particles had embedded itself into my skin fibers, burrowing inside of every inch of my body, and singing my already charred flesh. Iron began to seep into that sense as well, the smell of it almost suffocating me, making it incredibly hard to even breathe. More beeps. More loud shouts. More electric shocks.

The second sense to come back was taste. Puke began to rise in my throat as my tongue felt almost doused in buckets upon buckets of blood. My mouth parted for a short moment only for a long tube to be shoved through its threshold before the rest was forcibly pushed down my throat. My bottom lip had been completely split in half, crimson streams overflowing from the large cut, trickling down my chin and managing to slip past the incubator stuffed down my esophagus. 

The third sense was hearing. And the second the accent around me managed to slip through my eardrums I wondered if this was truly hell. "Она часть их, верно (She's part of them, right)?" A male nurse boomed, the ringing in my ears intensifying. 


This had to be hell. "Командование так говорит (Command says so)." A female nurse replied in a loud voice. My throat grew dry as I attempted to speak. My eyes moved sporadically under the lids that covered them, to see what was happening, to reveal themselves and open. But I just couldn't.

The next sense slammed into me--much like I assume my body slammed into the asphalt on top of my father--extremely hard. Pain. Intense, mind-numbing, electrifying, agonizing pain. Tortuous waves of pure agony convulsed every fiber of my entire being all at once, a relentless onslaught that allowed me to produce some form of sound, echoing throughout the halls I was rushed through. Ear-piercing screeches. 

"Дерьмо. Кровяное давление падает (Shit. BP is dropping)." Beads of sweat collected on my forehead and every other crevice of my body as I writhed, each snapped bone, each thick gash, every small cut, blackened bruise, blistered patch of skin, and huge area of charred flesh screamed at me from all angles. "Она просыпается (She's waking up)." A Russian accent yelled at some person I couldn't give a single fuck about. 

My shoulders attempted to flail my arms around. One was restrained, which I assumed was because I could still rotate my wrist, though my fingers were completely broken. The other wasn't. My eyes shot open, each with broken capillaries turning my scleras blood red. By the shocked faces of the other nurses gathered around me, I knew I must've looked demonic. My back arched as I sent my arm bone, pierced six inches out of my flesh, into the nearest nurse next to me, straight through her neck. 

My mouth sputtered as I tried to hurl up the incubator, all the while using my bone to stab anyone who got close enough. "Она чертовски сумасшедшая (She's fucking insane)!" A nurse yelled as I attempted to dig at him, a crazed, wild look in my eyes. ""Противогаз. Выруби ее (Gas mask. Knock her out)!" Another nurse yelled as he tackled me on top of the gurney, both of our weights combined causing the metal frame to bend. 

As I began to bite at his face, ripping the flesh from his cheek, a large fist pounded through the side of my face, snapping my neck to the side. Black dots filled my blurred, hazy vision as I tried to recollect myself. The paining wrecking havoc on my body swelling to an even more unimaginable level. Before I could retaliate, a mask was shoved onto my face. The black dots grew bigger until all I could see was an abyss. And then, nothing at all.

"Она вышла (She's out)?"

"Как свет (Like a light)."

"Она не похожа на остальных (She doesn't look like the rest of them)."

"Информация одинакова для всех, независимо от внешности (Information is the same for all no matter looks)."

"Надеюсь, она жива (Hopefully she lives)."

"Когда она просыпается. Ей бы хотелось, чтобы у нее не было (When she wakes up. She'll wish she wouldn't have)."

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