The Party- Cancer

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A/N: wazzup? so I'm the second person on this account so just call me Crow ig. Ken is the one who did the other chapters (btw Ken this is an idea) I'm a cancer if you want to know :3

Cancer POV:

I stretch and lazily get out of bed. I have on a sports bra, ducky socks, and some Scooby doo boxers (yes, yes indeed I own this exact outfit) I quickly put my hair halfway up and walk into the girl's dorm kitchen. I start to make pancakes (I have no idea how to cook) when Scorpio comes up behind me and cuddles me, holding onto my waist. 

"hi," I say looking up and kissing her forehead.

 "Hi," she says resting her head on top of mine. The sunlight drifts through the window and into the kitchen. I finish the last pancake and hand a plate to Scorpio. I slide onto a chair and start to eat.

 "how in the hell did you finish that fast?" Scorpio asks looking at my empty plate

 "Huh?" I say muffled from some pancake in my mouth. 

"Oh, you should have seen when my mom got arroz con pollo and my aunt asked me about Halloween. I went faster than lightning McQueen himself" I say proudly. Scorpio listens and stares at me with hearts in her eyes.

 I look at my plate then at Scorpio "Hey babe?" I say seriously

 "Huh?" Scorpio jolts up, waking out of her trance. "Are you afraid of the baby earrings?" I tease 

"WHA?- N-NOO I UH- LOVE THEM- YEAH TOTALLY"  Scorpio looks away nervously. I giggle 

"I know your lying~"   

"Wha- no....." she trails off looking into my eyes. 

"Stop looking at me like that," she says blushing 

"Like what?" I ask tilting my head 

"LIKE THAT!- YOU KNOW WHAT COME HERE YOU LITTE-" she says blushing wildly, she pulls me roughly to her and kisses me passionately.

 "up!-" I exclaim in surprise 

"Well, that was unexpected!" I smile.

 "you have no idea how you make me so crazy," Scorpio says nuzzling into my neck. libra scrunches up her nose when she sees us cuddling. She whispers something in Virgo's ear, glaring at us.

                                                 time skip🤌✨✨

I scroll through my phone, bored. 'maybe I should check the calendar' I think opening it up. I click on the day and it says: SWIM PARTY. 

"oh yeah!" I say remembering 

"BABE!" I yell wanting Scorpio to come here. After a few seconds, Scorpio appears out of nowhere 


 "let's start making the food!" I say happily. Scorpio sighs and nods, and we start to head to the kitchen. 

"All alright so we're going to a pool party so we need watermelon, hot dogs, burgers, and some sort of sweet treat like cupcakes," I say grabbing stuff out of the fridge. 

"So like a basic white girl pool party," Scorpio says 

"Yes, but watermelon is amazing" I argue. I start to cut the watermelon into squares "Here put these in that blue bowl" I say handing her the watermelon. 

                                          after they package the food because I'm lazy

"k, so we have an hour left I'm going to get cleaned up, and then we can go," I say wiping off my hands on my jeans before heading to the shower.

 I got out of the steamy shower and changed into my two-piece swimsuit. I slipped on the purple bikini top and matching swim trunks. I walk out of the bathroom 

"Come on Scorpio!" I yell heading out. I look over to see Scorpio in a black laced top with matching bikini bottoms. And man did she look hot. Scorpio grabbed our towels and I grabbed the food. I called Capricorn so we could put the stuff in his car. The phone rings as I put it to my ear 

"hey," Capricorn mumbles

"hi! can you pull up to the girl's dorm? we're ready!" I say cheerfully

"Sure, I'll be there in 5," he says quietly

"Thank you!" I say cheerfully, hanging up. 

when Capricorn is in the driveway they drive to the party.

A/N: Hi this is (Ken) and yes I am having (Crow) help me with this book.

This is a filler chapter and there will be a more in-depth chapter about Cancer.

Hope y'all liked this book and thank you (Crow) for writing this chapter.

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