Is it true?

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Draco's POV:

"What do you want?" I scoff

"I've heard that you snogged Potter. Is it true?"

"What?! Absolutely not! That Saint Potter is beneath me. As if I'd ever sully myself by touching him. Everyone knows I despise him and those stupid Gryffindors he hangs around with. I bet this is just another one of their pathetic rumors. They're just jealous that my family is better than all of theirs put together."

"What do you mean by 'Saint'? Do you love him that much that you worship him or is it a pet name?"

"Don't be ridiculous! I most certainly do not love Potter. I call him Saint Potter because he walks around Hogwarts like he's so much holier and better than everyone else. But we all know the truth-he only survived the Dark Lord as a baby because of luck. I'm the one who's truly better than Potter. I'm a Pureblood from an ancient and wealthy wizarding family. Potter's just a half-blood nobody who gets by on celebrity. It makes me sick the way everyone treats him like a hero when they should be seeing me for the superior wizard I am. Just wait, one day people will realize that I, not Potter, deserve all the fame and praise."

"You'll only receive fame once you get down on one knee and propose to Potter and you know damn well, he'll say yes to you."

"Absolutely not! As if I'd ever degrade myself like that. Can you imagine what my father would say if I brought Potter home and told him I wanted to marry him? I'd be disowned on the spot. Not to mention the further humiliation of everyone knowing I was courting the savior of the wizarding world. No, the only thing Potter is good for is being my number one rival. It's so satisfying to watch him get upset over the things I say and do. One day I'll prove once and for all that I'm better than him. But marry him? Don't be preposterous. I'd rather kiss a troll's nether regions. Potter will never be anything more than a pesky fly I like to swat at when I'm bored."

"So, you only snog him when you're bored? I'll let Potter know you said that. He'll be so heartbroken."

"What?! No! I never said that! Don't you dare go repeating any such lies to Potter. I've already told you; I've never snogged him and I never will. The mere idea is revolting. As if I'd ever lower myself in that, the only kissing I do is with my proper Slytherin girlfriends. I'm just using Potter as a way to amuse myself by getting under his skin. It has nothing to do with actually wanting him. I mean, have you taken a good look at him? With that ugly scar and those hideous glasses...he's hardly worth my time. So do me a favor and keep your twisted fantasies to yourself. Potter and I will never be anything more than enemies. Got it? Now if you'll excuse me, I have better things to do than stand here discussing that fool's delusions of romance with me."

"Suit yourself then. I'll tell Potter you're expecting him for your daily snogging session."

"Why you insufferable fool! I told you there's nothing going on between me and Potter! Spreading such ridiculous rumors could seriously damage my reputation. Do you have any idea how much it would humiliate me if people started believing I was actually interested in cozying up to the Chosen One? No one would ever let me forget it. And my father...I don't even want to imagine what he'd do if word got back to him."

"For your sake, you'd better keep that fat mouth of yours shut on this matter. Unless you want me to make your life at Hogwarts a living nightmare. I'm a Malfoy-people do what I say around here. So, if I were you, I'd run along and find some other hapless idiot to torment with your delusional stories. Potter and I hate each other, end of discussion. Now get out of my sight before I'm tempted to hex you into next week!"

"Why do you act like it's not true? Potter himself even admitted that he fancies you and that the both of you are dating each other. So don't deny it or I'll bring Potter here to say it to your face, and probably kiss you."

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