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Jongseong's POV
My eyes shifted as I watched Joyce cuddle up on Sunoo's lap. It reminded me of how we would always hold each other and our littles. I felt a pang of worry when Sunghoon mentioned Joyce had confided in him in the bathroom.

"What did she say???" Jake asked curiously.

Sunghoon's expression turned serious as he shared the heartbreaking story of Joyce's past. I and the others frowned in sympathy, watching as Joyce slept peacefully and Faith happily ate.

"That's terrible," Sunoo said with a determined look. "I want to protect them even more now."

We all nodded in agreement, determined to keep Joyce and Faith safe. Sunoo rubbed Joyce's head affectionately before suddenly pulling his hand back with a frown, causing concern among the rest of us.

"What's wrong???" I asked, worriedly.

Sunoo's expression turned more serious as he spoke. "Scarring...I think."

Everyone's gaze shifted to Joyce as Sunoo moved her hair, revealing a bumpy scar on her head. I gently touched it, only to feel something hard and unnatural underneath.

"Let's not touch it anymore," Hee said, concerned for Joyce's well-being.

As she curled up even more into Sunoo, I suggested she needed rest. The others all agreed, nodding in unison.

"Should we move her to our bed???" Sunoo asked, looking at the group for confirmation.

"Yes, Babe, she'll be more comfortable there," Hee replied, and they all began to help Sunoo take Joyce upstairs...

End Of POV

Sunoo's POV
As I carried Joyce up the stairs, she began to stir awake in my arms.

Joyce - Hm...

Me - Shh, Mamas...

She looked up at me, her eyes filled with love and trust.

Joyce - I love you...

My heart fluttered as she spoke those words.

Me - I love you more than you could ever imagine.

She smiled softly before drifting back to sleep. I carefully laid her down in our bed, making sure she was comfortable before heading back downstairs. Snuggling up to Heeseung, I felt him kiss my cheek, bringing a smile to my face.

Hee - Are you okay, Babe???

I nodded, my heart still filled with the warmth of Joyce's words.

Me - She told me she loves me...

He smiled at me, his eyes filled with happiness for me.

Hee - That's wonderful, Babe.

He leaned in and gave me a loving kiss before we got up to clean up together...

End Of POV

‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵End Of POV‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵

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