The end of happily ever after.

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TRIGGER WARNING⚠️ - fighting, yelling, and swearing.

Min-ji's pov

"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST GET A SIMPLE FUCKING JOB AND SUPPORT THIS FUCKING FAMILY INSTEAD OF ME HAVING TO WORK 16 HOURS A DAY!!" I heard mum Yell. I mean. Mum did have a point, but still..."I TAKE CARE OF THAT FUCKING BRAT ALL DAY. THATS MY FUCKING JOB" "NO YOU FUCKING DON'T.  SHES IN FUCKING SCHOOL AND CAN LOOK AFTER HER FUCKING SELF. SHES NOT 3 ANYMORE." "ALL YOU FUCKING DO IS EITHER SIT AROUND ON SOCIAL MEDIA, OR YOU'RE OFF SOMEWHERE GETTING HIGH AND DRUNK WITH FUCKING SOME SLUTTY BITCH." "SO I'VE HAD A FUCKING ENOUGH. WHERE GETTING A FUCKING DIVORCE. FUCK YOU AND THAT SLUTTY HOE BAG OF A BITCH YOU SLEEP WITH." The house then went eerily quite. I then hear some footsteps coming up the stairs. I immediately become on guard just in case. But luckily it's just mum. I let out a sigh of relief as she spoke. "Pack up your stuff, please, baby. We're gonna go spend some time with grandma and grandpa." I nod and go get my backpack and suitcase and start packing. Once I'm done packing, I grab my stuff and go to Mum and Dads room as I see her muttering to herself. I let out a small "mum.." and she looks at me as her gaze softens. I give her a weak smile as she just finished packing up. Walking downstairs, I see a piece of paper with the word divorce papers on it with both my mothers signature on it and my fathers as well. Once we get to grandmas and Grandpa's, I hear them talking about some court date. I sigh as I walked through the door. My nan looks at me and comes to hug me. I melt into her as I become more relaxed and almost forget all the things that just happened. We soon move away as I go to the living room and see pop there. I smile at him, and he smiles back. I put my suitcase in the corner as I grab my backpack and head outside. I settled myself down in the small but beautiful garden as I listened to the waves crash onto the shore nearby. I just sit still for a while as I relaxed and listened to the waves crash down onto the shore. My body becomes more relaxed and less tense. After about 20 - 40 minutes, I slowly open my eyes and sigh in contentment. I carefully pulled my ipad out and clicked on YouTube. Deciding to watch a bit of bts, mamamoo, and 2pm. After around 2 hours the sun started to set. I got up groaning a bit cause I sat on the ground for so long and headed inside. The warm and delicious smell of lastanga filling my nostrils as my Nan said. "Ahhh, min-ji, perfect timing. Dinners ready." I gave her a soft smile as I sat my backpack on the floor next to my suitecase and ipad on the coffee table. I go up to the dining room table and sit down. Nan puts a plate of lastanga in front of me as I thank her. As I took a bite, I almost moan at the taste.

~Timeskip brought to you by your very lazy author~

My mother came out of the courtroom with a massive grin on her face. "What happened, mum?" "I got full custody," she almost yelled as she hugged me tightly. I laughed at her antics but smiled as I realised I wouldn't ever have to see my father again. "Where are we gonna go, mum!?" I asked with a wide smile on my face. Why, you may ask. Because she promised me we would move if she got full custody...

~another timeskip😈~

Me and mother waved our entire family off as tears were building up in my eyes. I shaked them off quickly as we heard our plane get called to board. We rushed to the boarding gate since we already went through security. I smiled up at my mother as she led me on the plane and to our seats. Getting myself seated and comfy, I buckled up and grabbed my Ipad from my bag and opened netflix. To watch my favourite show. Hwrang. It recently got released, and I was so happy and looking forward to it because it had two of my favourite idols in it. Taehyung and minho. After about 6 episodes, I started to doze off. Shutting my ipad off and putting it back into my bag, I felt myself drifting to sleep. The next thing I knew, I was being shaken awake by my mother because we just landed. I looked at her sleepily, and she just giggled. I rolled my eyes and grumpily grabbed my bag, and stood up. A little wobbly at first. But I still managed to get off the plane without being noticed. Squinting my eyes at the light as I stepped off the De boarding path, we started to head for the baggage claim area. After getting our bags without a hassle, we walked outside and got a cab to our hotel while mother tried to find a house or apartment to move into and a new school I could go to.

[I hope you guys like this new book, idk why, but I oddly feel passionate about this book. So I'll try to update more than I usually do💀 anyways bye bye my cuties!! ❤️❤️❤️]

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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